PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS oe AUGUST 25, 1976 - Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under ~~ cash in advance) ~ 82.25 (if charged). . 5¢: per-word after 25 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ISLAND VIEW Shell Service LICENSED MECHANIC ON DUTY MON. ~- FRI. PHONE 825-3638 8 A.M. - 5P.M. FOR SALE - I974 Pinto Hatchback with quadrophonic tape deck, in good condition. last add - real bargain. Phone 824-2180. FOR SALE - I970 Dodge Polaro. best offer - also, 2! Phone 525-3616. FOR SALE - I970 GTO Pontiac, L400 Shift Kit, Accel Ignition. Phone 82 25 3767 pfter 5 p.m. and ask for Darell. 241 gtove, FOR SALE - Prost free refridgerator, excellent condition, 17 eu. ft. Looking for a smaller one. Call 825-9060. HOUSE FOR SALE ~ 535 lakeview Drive, Terrace Bay. Phone 705- 560-2604, HOUSE FOR SALE - Bungalow, with new roof, new windows, new furnace, newly insulated. Phone 825-3590 for appointment. FOR SALE - Bendix Mobile Home - I2% x 68% long, five months old. Includes. fridge - stove - washer - dryer - chesterfield and chairs - kitohen table and chairs - beds. Phone between 5 & 7 p.m. 825-9056 or 825-3378. FOR SALE = Resort; 18 miles west of Terrace Bay on scenic lake Superior. Rustico lodge, floor space approximately 2000 sq. ft. high ceiling; I2 furnished cabins. large grounds, approximat- €ly 5 acres, I} miles off Highway I7 on paved road, Most scenic spot on Lake Superior, 500! sand beach. Could be uged ag a private lodge or subdivided into several summer homes lots, many possibilities, nice clientels. Lodge completely furnished, owners quarters; has natural stone fireplace, mounted fish, deer, caribou heads, bear rug, mounted fish, etc. Owner . retiring. Contact: Robert Kelly, lakeside Cabins, Rossport, Ontario. Phone 824-2li22, FOR RENT - Cabins, weekly or monthly. One, two or three bedroom | furnished cabins on Lake Superior, 9 miles west of ~Schreibsr - near Rossport. Large grounds, sandy beach, off Highway # 17 on paved road. Apply lakeside Cabins. Phone Bali oloz 4 hv : WANTED TQ RENT = Apartment in Sore ber or Terrace Bay. Fhone B25- 9120. FOUND - set of 'dentures near Red Dog Inn.. Owner can claim at Terrace Bay News by paying for this ad. WANTED - Babysitter for two year old, starting immediat- ely. Prone 825-3238 between 9. & 5 p.m. CAA & AAA APPROVED FAMILY RATES Clean Quiet Cody "On Ground Level Only" CABLE & COLOR TV ~ ELECTRIC HEAT YEAR ROUND COMMERCIAL RATES HN CHREIBER 4 i :. 824-250 WEST ENTRANCE " EN - log peeler for 3 o 6" logs ~- phone collect ith 1665. ROYAL RUG CLEANING - Phone - IF BUSY 825-3616 in Terrace Bay for CALL 824-2800 PROP. DAVE DESROSIERS TERRACE BAY CLEANERS i DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT JAMES P. MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 Shell ARS CATALOGUE ORDER OFFICE | 5 | MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 - SATURDAYS 1 - 5 PHONE 824-2112 = YOUR IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT BURTON B.. PHILLIPS BULK PLANTS IN SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY : TO SERVE YOU IN BOTH TOWNS PHONE 824 - 2463 - 5 ; ~ free estimates. FOR YOUR SAFETY ZAP'S AUTO GLASS 145 WINNIPEG STREET, SCHREIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 824-2639 - 825-3335