PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS SCHREIBER RECREATION NEWS 'Schreiber Parks and Recreation have had a most successful summer programme. Committee members are Bill Collinson, Doris Gauthier, Marlene Doig, Peter Speziale, Joe King, Tom Quinton, Lorraine Huard and Linda Fraser as director. The swimming program was successful this summer with an enrollment of 165 swimmers. The instructors were: Linda Fraser, Myrna Gauthier, Donna Gellert, Cindy McKay and Barb " Huard. Other swim assistants were: Joyce Gauthier, Tina Redins and Carol Huard. Successful swimmers this year were: TADPOLES: Patricia Costa, Lori Speziale, Derek Smith, David Costa, Joe Figliomeni, Dom Filane, Carolanne Costa, Darren Riley, Cindy Luke, Danny Duggan. MINNOWS: Laura Cebrario;' Addrea Stortini, Dawn Carter, Gerry Filane, Tammy McParland, Darla Dooley, Noel Imbeault; Edith Filane, Cecil Borutski. PREBEGINNERS: Paulette Garneau, Robert Gar- neau, Rene Garneau, Theresa Garneau, Brenda Garneau, Carolina Delo, Susie Imbeault, Kerry O'Brien, Jennifer Saarinen, Brian Nesbitt, Carrie Campbell, Carole LeBlanc, Robert Costa, ' Lisa Lengel, Lianne Campbell, Carrie Jane . Thrower, Marlene Bowers, Candance Campbell, Steven Boon, Stacy Boon, Petrina Taylor, | Patrick Halonen, Lesley Godin, Marcia Jacques, 'Christine McLellan, Drew Blais, Shirley Mal- colm, Darren Dooley, Robert Ellacott, Alan Madge, Kevin McGlaughlin, Sandra Cooper, Wally Malcolm, Nelson Richardson, Rita Maggio, Christe Denopme, Christopher Borutski, Pamela Vasiliu, Alana Verdone, Lisa Ray, Frank Costa, Bobby Kenny, Jason Caccammo, Susan Kenny, Aarron Lemieux, Bradley Lemieux, Chris Fig- liomeni, Dawn Verdone. 3 : BEGINNERS: Rene Garneau, Thersa Garneau, San- dra Phillips, Judy Bourguignon, Kim Taylor, Louise King, Dianne Vasiliu, Gina Racioppi, Jackie Speziale, Brenda Speziale, Debbie Bowers, Karen Speziale, Joanne O'Driscoll, Cathy Campbell, Lori O'Connor, Daryl Richard- son, Brian Nesbitt, Susie Imbeault, Robert Costa, Heather Walton, Kenton Klassen, Karen Madge, Mike Maggio, Mario Vasiliu, Neil O'Connor, Mico Costa. JUNIORS: Lori Nesbitt, Judy Godin, Debra Birch, Frank Costa, Robert Speziale, Chris Reid, Steven Speziale, Cathy Graham. INTERMEDIATES: Joyce Gauthier, Elena Speziale, Anna Racioppi, Tina Redins, Carol Huard, Susie Smith, Glenda Glad, Jamie Smith, Danny Welbourne. SENIORS: Susie Smith, Tina Redins, Carol Donna McGrath and Janice Martin. AUGUST 25, 1976 Huard. 'Myrna Gauthier, Cindy McKay, Donna Gellert, and Barb Huard were on lifeguard duty every day. ADAPTIVE SWIMMING: Level 1 - Marty Lengyle Level 4 - Cheryl Holmes ~ The Playground Leaders this summer were was for children age 4 and up. They enjoyed sports, hikes, swimming, sing songs, picnics. Special events such as the overnight camping at Rainbow Falls, frisbee and hula hoop con- test and the Binkely and Doinkel puppet show was a complete success. Another programme was a Playground for Handicapped Children. sons every weekday and were taught arts, crafts and sport skills by their instructor, Giselle Reynolds. Outdoor skills and survival were taught at White Sand Lake and Walkers Lake by Walter Klassen, Ricky Parent and Mike Powers. The The program n pi They had swimming les- | ss program included map and compass reading, sur- vival techniques, canoeing, water skiing and some overnight camping trips. Shirley Ross and Jim Wilson were in charge of Tennis Courts this year. L.I.P. Grants: Applications are now avail- able for any adults in the community wishing winter employment. The local Initiatives Program is sponsored by Manpower and Immigra- tion and enables people or individuals to set up programmes that interest themselves, but will also ben€fit the community. The pro- gramme is mainly to elevate high seasonal unemployment throughout the country. If you are interested, you may pick up an application at the Recreation Office. ROSSPORT SOCIAL SPECTRUM Mrs. Lester Legault entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower on Saturday evening honour- ing Mrs. Donnie Ray, (Alice Bouchard) a rec- ent bride. The living room and luncheon tab- le was decorated with white and pink streamers and wedding bells. Mrs. Ray was assisted by her sisters, Shirley and Anita to open her | i many gifts from friends in Rossport, Schreiber and Terrace Bay. She was the recipient of lovely gifts of linens, cutlery, electrical appliances, china and cooking utensils. A delicious buffet luncheon was served and a social evening enjoyed. George Watts who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Felix Legault, left Sunday for his home in London, Ontario. Continued page 13"