VOL. I9..NO.:25 JUNE 23, I976 20¢ PER COPY IST TERRACE BAY PACK WINS TROPHY Fifteen cubs, two leaders (Paulette Gordon, Akela and Wanda Aulenback, Raksha), one assis- tant leader (Lee Westlake) and two cooks (Con- nie Bryson and Gerbachen Sidhu) left Terrace Bay on June II, 1976 to attend the Fort Wil- liam District Cuboree at Grey Wolf Camp. For three days Terrace Bay Cubs and Leaders par- ticipated in many events and activities. Camp was officially opened by Dennis Mac- Quire at 7:45 p.m., June II, I976. This years cuboree theme was "Friendship". After the opening we all took part in an orientation ramble of the area, practised "Happy Face", had mug-up (hot chocolate) and lights out for the boys. Leaders then attended their meet- ing. Saturday morning brought sunshine and I69 boys out of their sleeping bags to a full days activity. After flag break and camp inspection every- one assembled in the field to form a Happy Face for aerial photography. Cubs and Leaders then hiked three miles up to Moon Lake, lunched and hiked back down. This took a total of two hours and twenty min- utes. Upon arrival back at camp, with boys in mixed groups we had tug-o-war competition. Joseph Kenney from Terrace Bay was on the win- ning team. Next came the obstacle course. Boys and Leaders were very enthusiastic about this event. Everyone enjoyed this event, in- cluding Akela, even though both her legs were almost broken when she thought she could do as well as an eight year old. As cubs return- ed to camp everyone signed the cuboree tree. Supper and practise for campfire skit gave everyone a chance to relax and catch their breath, especially Leaders. Next came the "wide game" for cubs. Continued pag> 2...+++.. TERRACE BAY MINOR HOCKEY BANQUET The Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association recently held their wind up banquet at the Moose Hall. Mr. Jerry Dupas was the M.C. Seated at the head table were the Minor Hockey executive along with trophy donors. Rev. Bigelow and Father Greengrass, and special guest, Mr. Don Burton, President of the Sch- reiber Minor Hockey Association were also in attendance. After a delicious buffet supper put on by the mothers, Mr. "Chick" Thompson, president of the Minor Hockey Assoc. gave a short speech and read the Sportsman's Creed, then the a- wards were presented. Arm bands and crests were presented to the Atoms by Rod Lanteigne and Reg Northcott. Arm bands and crests to the Pee-Wees were pres- ented by Bob Weaver and Ed Nicol. Paul Dashkewytch was presented the Shell trophy by Mr. Jim Mikus as the most valuable Pee-Wee. The Island View Trophy was present- ed by Mr. Curt Desrosiers to Danny Vienneau as the most improved Pee-Wee. Continued page I0.....iesn PUBLIC NOTICE The Terrace Bay News Office will be CLOSED from June 24 to July 5. No paper will be published on the week of June 28. The News Office will re-open on July 5 and deadline will be NOON MONDAY of that day for all advertising and news material. The next issue will be published on Wednes- day, July 7. We hope this short holiday will not incon- venience our readers and advertisers.