JUNE 16, 1976 p TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 RECREATION CENTRE HOURS Commencing June 17th, the Recreation Centre will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays, and 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sundays. RECREATION REPORT: Cont'd The completed registration forms may be re- turned to the pool on June 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th during the pool hours. Watch the News for swim pool schedules. COMING EVENTS: Friday, June 25th - Terrace Bay swim pool opens to the public. Monday, July 5th = July swim lessons commence. Monday, July 5th - Summer playground programme starts. Monday, July 5th - Craft and music instruction starts. SUMMER OFFICE HOURS The Lake Superior Board of Education Administration Office at Schreiber, Ontario, will operate during the hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday each week of July and August, 1976. H.J. Boudreau, Business Administrator STORK CLUB Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Baxter, of Schreiber, a girl on June 14. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Pasqualino, of Schreiber, a girl on June 14. THANK YOU The Terrace Bay Recreation Committee would like to thank the Kinsmen Club of Terrace Bay for their donation and assis- tance towards the purchase of a digital score-clock for the Terrace Bay Memorial Arena. Also, thanks to the Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association, the Terrace Bay Figure Skating Club and the Terrace Bay Intermediate Hockey Club for their res- pective donations towards the 1976 arena project. THE TERRACE BAY RECREATION COMMITTEE. Ontario MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURSES Tenders are requested for the following equipment for road construction in the Ter- race Bay Forest District during the 1976 sea- son. All equipment must be in first class mechanical condition. 3 - 270 net HP Bulldozérs with tilt straight blade, winch, approved canopy and power=- shift, ! 1 = 180 net HP Bulldozer with tilt straight blade, winch, approved canopy with power- shift 1 - Grader 125 HP with 14' mold board and front dozer blade 6 - Tandem dump trucks, minimum 12 yard 1972 or newer models preferred. 1 - Skidder Back Hoe 4.H.D. 1 = Wheeled Loader 4 yd. min. bucket 1 - Dragline 50' Boom drag bucket 3/4 to 1 yard 1 = Airtrack with 750 c.f.m. compressor 1 - Crusher and Screener Plant Work is expected to commence on or about July 1st, providing funds are alloted to this project. Tender forms and contract details can be ob- 'tained from Ken Bowlier, Engineering Servic- es Officer, Ministry of Natural Resources, P.0. Box 280, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Telephone (807) 825-3205. Tenders must be submitted to the District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 280, Terrace Bay on or before 12 o'clock Noon E.D.T. June' 24th, 1976, Tenders will be opened publicly in the Dis- trict Office at Terrace Bay at 2 o'clock on June 25th, 1976. L.J. Haas District Manager Hon. Leo Bernier Dr. J.K. Reynolds Minister Deputy Minister