Public Terr: ace Ra hod Ont. VOL. I9 NO. 24 JUNE I6, I976 20¢ PER COPY R.C.S5.5S. BOARD OFFICE LOCATED IN SCHREIBER The fifth Regular Board Meeting of The North of Superior District R.C.S.S. Board was held on Saturday, May 29, I976 at Our Lady of Lourdes School, Manitouwadge. After reviewing the budget for: 1976, the Board approved the following tax requisitions: - Manitouwadge $46,327.- Nakina $§79I. = Nipig- on 8I9,045. - Red Rock $I0,I35. - Schreiber $20,599. - Terrace Bay $I9,304. Mr. Dominic Lacaria was appointed for a one year term to the principalship of St. Hilary's School, Red Rock. Mr. Lacaria is presently a teacher on the staff of St. Hilary's. He has had eight years experience, including five as the principal of S.S. #I, Caramat. Mr. Lacar- ia will replace Sister Gaye White, who has resigned to accept an assignment to a foreign mission. In other business, the Board: I) accepted the resignations of Heather Dube, Eva Forysiak Frances Fry, Frances Bain, Barbara Melancon, Mary Monier-Williams, Jane Dampier, Joanne Morris, Sister Agnes Begin. 2) received an oral presentation from the teachers of Our Lady of Lourdes School, Manitouwadge, request- ing the Board to consider the problem of inad- equate accommodation for teachers in the com munity. 3) accepted staffing recommendations for 1976. 4) authorized the Director to ac- cept space in Schreiber at a rate of $I75.00 per month, effective January I, I977. 5) ap- proved the attendance of Mr. J. Courtney at the annual financial seminar of 0.S.S.T.A. on June I8, I976. The next meeting will be held at St. Brigid School in Nakina on Saturday, June I9. The public is invited to attend. TERRACE BAY COUNCIL QUOTES. The regular meeting of Terrace Bay Council was held Wednesday, June 9th with Councillors Hale, Helmink and Kennedy present. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. ; A letter from the Girl Guides requesting a donation of items for convention bags will be looked into further. Council agreed to sell to Kimberly Clark an additional fifty feet of property to the rear of the multi-dwelling Zone on Kenogami Road. Kimberly Clark agreed in principal to the extension of a water line to the commercial area east of the Texaco, but this will need further investigation. A letter was received from the North of Superior Travel Association outlining a prom- otional film of the area. This will be for- warded to the Chamber of Commerce. The Quarterly Meeting of the Thunder Bay Municipal District League will be held in Ter- race Bay on July IOth. "Parking strips will be painted on Simcoe Plaza to assist the public in better utilizing the parking space on the Plaza. A committee of Council will investigate the use of parking meters on Simcoe Plaza. W.L. Wardrope and Associates submitted an engineering report on road surfacing for Lake- view, Superior and Strathcona Subdivisions Council decided to proceed with asphalt paving for a portion of Lakeview Drive and to "chip and seal" the balance of Lakeview, Superior and Strathcona. Permission was given to the Terrace Bay Kinsmen Club Inc. to use the Municipal Office Area for Canada Day festivities. A request from the Recreation Committee to increase maintenance staff will be discussed at a future meeting. Cont's pg. 3