PAGE 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 16, 1976 POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT: Cont'd sewers and (ETS) Environmental Technical Ser- vices Ltd. for,the plant. Last, but not least the local Council, past and present, and es- pecially councillor Harold Fischer, Chairman of the sewer project. Following the speeches the ribbon cutting ceremony took place and a tour of the plant given by Peter Doig. Others from out of town attending the cer- emony were George Humphries, Dillon Eng., Tor- onto; Maurice Sacco, project manager, Constru -ction of Projects in Northwestern Region, Ministry of Environment; Paul Kerkhoff of M.M. Dillon, Co., Geoff Lee, Information Ser- vices, Ministry of Environment. Following the ceremony and inspection, the party moved to the Town Hall for a reception and lunch. Photo in next column shows, left to right: Maurice Sacco, Project Manager; Jack Stokes, MPP; Reeve McParland; Keith Penner, MP; L.F. Pitura, Ministry of the Environment, Thunder Bay, during the ribbon cutting ceremony. SCHREIBER RECREATION: HANDICAPPED PROGRAM: approx. 6 hrs. a day, sports, swimming, arts & crafts, outdoors. Transportation available. Registration free. Phone 824-2317. SCHREIBER SOCIAL: Mrs. Helen Jartus of Oliver, B.C. was a re- cent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Birch. : DINING HELP REQUIRED. APPLY SCHREIBER HOTEL. - Spadoni Bros. Ltd. SCHREIBER, - 1976 COUPE Corvette Coupe ONTARI 3