PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 9, 1976 NOTICE The Council of the Township of Terrace Bay is hosting a social evening at the Legion Hall for all Senior Citizens on June 22, 1976, from 7:00 PM. 1o 9:30 P.M, All Senior Citizens are cordially invited Fo attend. INSTALLATION DANCE SATURDAY, JUNE 19TH Music by: M.V.'s Power Outlets Moose Hal | 9 ~- 1 Members $4.00 couple Non Members $6.00 cpl. RECREATION REPORT: Cont'd MINOR BALL: Minor Ball games continue to be played at the High School weekly. Leagues are operating in the International league and Girls Senior league. Many thanks to the following people who volunteered their services to coach or umpire in these leagues: Coaches - Paulette Gordon, Jim Figliomeni, Wanda Aulenback, Judy Moher, Anne Wilkes, Catherine Gorman; Umpires - Charles Wise, John Hara, Mark Hara. COMING EVENTS: JUNE 25th - Terrace Bay swim pool opens to the public. JULY 5 = July swim lessons commence. JULY 5 - Summer playground programme starts. JULY 5 - Craft and music instruction starts. PREVENT FOREST FIRES! Thunder Bay (Alpine) « « « 577-6426 Terrace Bay . . 825-3286 Red lake « « . o 727-2858 Marathon, « « » 229-1213 Fort Frances . . 274-7721 RESERVATION CENTRE (807)577-6426 TELEX: 073-4360 OR CALL YOUR TRAVEL AGENT OFFICIAL OPENING OF CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Left to right: Kelvin Chambers, S.S.E.A.P. (Student Summer Employment Activities Program Co-ordinator); Larry Fraser, Student Place- ment Officer; Cy Brassard, representing the Township of Terrace Bay; John Henderson, Ont- ario Region S.S.E.A.P. Co-ordinator and Dick Buckly, representing the Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce. : A challenge was sent out last Thursday, to all citizens of Terrace Bay and Schreiber. The situation: the official opening of the first Canada 'Manpower Centre for Students. The challenge: to preserve and perpetuate one of the most valuable of natural resources; students.. This summer promises to be a tough one. With large cutbacks in student summer programs, especially Opportunities for Youth, at a saving of over thirty million dollars, the government, in essence, is putting the onus back to ' vhere it belongs; on the communities. Are you, the citizens of Terrace Bay and Schreiber prepared to meet this challenge? In the past, we have all been proud of our youth in the hockey arena, on the baseball field, at the golf course and curling rink and even in the churches and schools. These young people have shown a dedication and willingness to succeed and these are indeed rare qualities. _However, these qualities are not just evident at play but at work as well. You would be surprised and even impressed by the number of students who are willing to put in an honest days work for an honest days pay. Don't sell yourselves short either. An employer is not just a person or persons who manage or own a business. An Employer can be anyone, young or old. % A job is not necessarily defined as eight hours a day, five days a week. Cont'd pg. 9.. Rr be PRON oT Fe YL A