PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS ' JUNE 2, 1976 PENNER OPPOSSES GUN LAW PROVISIONS: Cont'd The Committee has not yet moved to a clause by clause consideration of the Bill at which time amendments may be proposed. Further alterations to the Bill may be introduced in the Commons at the so-called "report stage". COUPLE HONOURED BEFORE LEAVING TERRACE BAY Leona and Robert Anderson were wined and dined by close business associates at the Red Dog Inn on Saturday, May 29th. They are leaving Terrace Bay this week for Western Canada and will be greatly missed by the many friends they met during their stay here. We all wish them much happiness. ] SCHREIBER RECREATION NEWS pa ------ MINOR BASEBALL: There will be another Registration Day for Minor Baseball. It will be held Friday, June 4th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Curling Club. Early registrations will be taken at the Rec- reation Office, upstairs in the Town Hall. NORTH SHORE BADMINTON TOURNAMENT : The Schreibér Parks and Recreation Committ- ee hosted the Grade 7 and 8 North Shore Bad- minton Tournament on Saturday, May 29. The Manitouwadge Team consisting of Kathy Pelle- tier, Jan Acourt, Jocelyn Jomphe, Debbie Sam- pson, Kevin Grimshaw, Frank Miron, John Can- non and Brent Clary won the Tournament. The Schreiber Team consisting of Mary Stortini, Brenda Garneau, Anitia Speziale, Linda Ross, Wendy Ray, Glen Ross, Mark Campbell, Marc Trichilo, Frank Trichilo and Randy Krystia was| the Runner Up in the Tournament. The winners and runners up of each event are: Girls Singles - Kathy Pelletier, Manit- ouwadge; Mary Stortini, Schreiber. Boys Singles - Kevin Grimshaw, Manitouwadge; Frank Miron, Manitouwadge. Girls Doubles - Wendy Chisholm and Wendy Bell, Marathon; Jocelyn Jomphne and Debbie Sampson, Manitouwadge. Boys Doubles - Mark Campbell and Frank Trich- ilo, Schreiber; Glen Murray and Kevin Grim- shaw, Manitouwadge. Mixed Doubles - Kathy Pelletier and Frank Miron, Manitouwadge; Frank Trichilo and Linda Ross, Schreiber. Many thanks go to the following people who helped make the Tournament a success: Miss Cathy Cook = Hostess; Greg MacIssaac, Craig Fischer, Kirk Fischer, Joey Kostecki - Referrees; Doris Gauthier, Isabel Perras, Lorraine Huard, Kaye Fraser - Lunches; and Mr. and Mrs. B. Collinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook, Mr. and Mrs. A. Krystia and Mrs. L. Fraser. CANAD see what forest fires can do to Canada! we cant afford tobe careless TENDERS GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Sealed tenders clearly marked "Tender for Garbage Collection and Disposal will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. Thursday, June 17th, 1976 for the collec- tion and disposal of garbage in the Township of Terrace Bay. Col lection for both resi dentis) and com- mercial establishments is required fwice week ly-on Tuesdays and Fridays-approximat- ely 575 customers. Disposal to be in accordance with the re- gulations of the Ministry of Environment for the Province of Ontario. Separate tenders to be submitted for: a) One year contract-September 1st, 1976 to August® 31st, "1977 b) Two year contract-September 1st, 1976 to August 31st, 1978. ; Further particulars may be obtained by con- tacting the undersigned. The lowest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted. W.J. Hanley Clerk-Treasurer Township of Terrace Bay P.0..:Box :40, Terrace Bay, Ontario. POT 2WO FE ARERR | i