JUNE 2, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Ms. F.0. Soughton are pleased to MOOSE BINGO announce Zhe engagement of their daughter, A ; Carolyn Ruth to Francis Michael, son of Mrs. The Loyal Order of Moose will sponsor a F.R. MacMillan and the Late Mr. F.R. Mac- Bingo on- Thursday, June 3rd at 8:00 p.m. in the Moose Hall, Terrace Bay. There will be no bus service during the months of June, July, August & September. Millan of Ottawa, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 3nd at 4 p.m. in the Terrace Bay Com- | munity Church. PRENATAL CLASSES Parents expecting before November 1976 who are interested in pre natal classes please phone the Thunder Bay District Health Unit 824-2413.10 register. If there are enough parents interested a set of classes will start June 15th. Not many employers offer beginners good pay, plenty of travel and 4 weeks vacation. The Canadian Armed Forces is not your usual run-of-the- mill job opportunity To start with, there's the pay. When you consider how little it costs you for food and lodging, it's easily as much as trainees make in most other jobs. And after you finish training, you start getting regular increases. Then there's the travel. This is a job that could take you anywhere in Canada -- or out of it for that matter. And finally there's the opportunity to learn. Not just about sophisficated equipment, but about the world and where you fit into it. Add it all up then ask about immediate vacancies in the Canadian Armed Forces. Unless you've had a better offer recently. RECREATION REPORT: Cont'd We would remind members that they should bring in their old yellow discs when picking up the new discs. PROGRAMME BULLETIN: Last week the Recreation Department mailed out a programme bulletin which gives details on a number of summer programmes coming up. If you did not happen to receive yours, sim-- ply call the Recreation Office for extra cop- ies. COMING EVENTS: Thursday, June 3rd - Important Art Club meet- ing, large meeting room of Recreation Centre at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, June 5th - Plant Rummage Sale, spo- nsored by Terrace Bay Horticultural Society, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Simcoe Plaza. 3. The Canadian ' Armed Forces Local Recruiting Office address and telephone TERRACE BAY POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT . i | want to know more about a career in the During the week ending May 30, 1976 a totall| Canadian Armed forces. ; of thirty occurrences were investigated. ; -May 20 - A local man was charged with impaired||{ driving. Also on this date, a minor Hit and Name. } Run accident was investigated. ; May 21 - The theft of a 2 way radio was re- Addrsis ported and is under investigation. May 23 - A disturbance took place at a local establishment caused by 2 persons fighting. Province tic Telephone May 27 - A minor theft was reported and is under investigation. May 30 - Police were called to a Break in. Nothing appeared to have been stolen. Eight charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act, three under Parking By Laws and nine warnings were issued from safety checks. For further information on the Regular or Reserve Forces contact the Mobile Recruiter between 2:00 and 6:00 P.M. on Monday 07 June at the Terrace Red Dog Inn,