Pubilc LI > notes FAS 1eTTace SOY, TERRACE BAY NE VOL. I9 NO. 21 MAY 27, 1976 20¢ PER COPY JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM DISCUSSED AT BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING The Lake Superior Board of Education Meet--- ing No. 8/76 was held on Monday, May Z7, 19786 at the Marathon High School. The list of disbursements for the month of April in the amount of $568,569.61 were ap- proved. By-Law No. 29 to strike the tax mill rates in the Unorganized Townships of Pic (Heron Bay), Jackfish (Syine), Port Coldwell and Rossport (Lahontan) for I976 was approved. It was decided to make application to the Ministry of Education for approval to build an extension to the existing Industrial Arts Shop in Manitouwadge High School. When the addition is completed, it will enable the teachers of the school to provide more prac- tical courses for the students. Mrs. Averill, Special Education Consalbant. presented a Model for the Special Education Program to be implemented beginning September I976. This program will cater to the special needs of students who have emotional problems and other learning disabilities. Mr. Saumur, the Principal of Manitouwadge Public School, gave an evaluation of the ex- isting Junior Kindergarten Program in the Manitouwadge Public School. He emphasized that Junior Kindergarten is an Activity Pro- gram: that children learn through play: that . a child's play is his work: and through play children develop valuable skills for later life. Mr. Pappas, the Principal of Marathon Pub- lic School, reported that the parents at a recent community meeting voted 45:I in favour of a Junior Kindergarten Program for Marathon. He said that enrollment is now approximately 29 and could pose: 'bly increase to 40. Continued page Fic eres ss nies SCHREIBER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT TO BE OPENED OFFICIALLY ON JUNE 7 Schreiber's pollution control plant will be officially opened on Monday, June 7, according to an announcement by L.F. Pitura, Ontario, Ministry of the Environment Northwestern Re- gion Director. The ceremony will take place at the plant site at the extreme south end of Winnipeg Street. The general public is in- vited to attend and tour the new sewage treat- ment facility following the ceremony at 2:30 p.m. The Schreiber treatment plant and sewage collection system, which was constructed by and is operated for the municipality by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, cost $2,475,000; 69 per cent of which was subsid- ized by the Ontario government. Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation, Ottawa provided a loan of $657,000 toward the municipality's funding, of which 25 per cent is forgivable. The plant has a 'capacity of 250,000 gallons per day and services the town of Schreiber and surrounding area. The consulting engineer for the project was M.M. Dillon Ltd., of London, and the gen- eral contractor was Environmental Technical Services Ltd. of Hamilton, for the plant, and Northeast Constructior T+d., of St. Catherines for the sewers. Both Environment Ontaric Fegional Director Pitura and Schreiber Reeve H.J. McParla:d will officiate at the ceremony. Government offic- ials from both the federal and provincial sectors, local council members from Schreiber and invited client and business associates of the Ministry and the townships will be in attendance.