PAGE 20 TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 5, 1976 RATTRAY: Cont'd Jean (Mrs. Don MacLeod) of Sudbury; two. broth- ers - Hubert, of Schreiber and Russell of Thunder Bay; a sister, Myrtle, (Mrs. George Gordon) of Schreiber; eight grandchildren; two great grandchildren. Mrs. Rattray, nee Pearl Weaver, was brought as a small child by her parents from Concicon, Ontario, to Schreiber, and had lived here since. She was a life long member of the United Church and an indefatigable worker in the Lad- ies Aid - later the United Church Women. Even when she moved to Sudbury in 1969, she always returned to Schreiber with a basket of arti- cles for the Church's annual Fall Fair. The Order of the Eastern Star, Silver Birch Chapter, of which Mrs. Rattray was a member, conducted their burial service in the King Funeral Home prior to the Church service. In addition to the many old friends in Schreiber and Terrace Bay attending the fun- eral were the following relations: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Greenwood and son, Bruce, of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cameron and family, of Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLeod and fami- ly, of Sudbury; Mrs. Dora Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Jody Davis; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller, of Terrace Bay; Mrs. Doreen Caccamo, Sherry and Guy Caccamo of Thunder Bay and also Miss Grace Fadden and Mrs. Joe Spavor, also of Thunder Bay. RUBY REBAKAH LODGE 279 MEETING Ruby Lodge 279 met in regular sessions on Wednesday, April 28 with N. Fummerton N.G. and Georgina Davis V.G. presiding. Mrs. Gladys Hamilton D.D.P. of District 41 made her Official visit and was introduced by Mrs. Helen Wallace and welcomed by the N.G. and members. The N.G. presented Mrs. Hamilton with a corsage. The Charter was draped in memory of Mrs. Jessie Macadam P.N.G. who joined the Lodge on Sept. 26, 1928 and who passed away on April 24, 1976. A donation was given to the McCausland Hospital Memorial Fund. Mrs. Florence Fischer gave a report on the recent successful Penny Auction. Mrs. T. Bolan won the grocery hamper and Mrs. B. Saarinen won the door prize. Mrs. Davis reported for the Sick and Visit- ing. Cards sent to Mrs. Myrtle Gordon and her husband, Mrs. Connie Weaver, Mrs. Kitty Whit- ton, birthday card to Mrs. Agnes Bryson who +. Continued page 21 6 a OE BE © BoE © So goo So , TT a SE gy J fy 2 CS x, Co ;: DINE OWT FOR (tien Duy Zam SON, > | / 2 %7 oS EE Vv Sg ¥ / We Love Catering to Mom... FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 824-2690 | ROSSPORT INN BEEF BOURGUI GNONNE SIRLOIN STEAK CoQ AU VIN also FRESH CAUGHT LAKE TROUT CE SES ec