try AGE 16 G TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 14, 1976 ---- LEGICN AUXILIARY MEETING: Cont'd A ten dollar donation was made to the High School to assist in the publication of their vear book. Mrs. Lorraine Weaver presided for the meet- ing, with Mrs. Bea McCuaig reading minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. Rena Ross giving the treasurer's report. PHYSICIANS TO SUPPORT MASS IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM The physicians of Ontario are ready to as- sist in any required immunization procedure for the proposed swine flu' prevention pro- gram, Dr. D.C. MacNeill, president of the Ont- ario Medical Association announced. He noted there are only 43 public health units in the province and that millions of doses of vaccine would have to be provided. Dr. MacNeill said, "A co-operative endea- vour involving the medical officers of health and the local branch societies of the Ontario Medical Association would be the most effect- ive approach to the problem." He declined to comment on the medical feed for such a program indicating they would not be a factor in set- ting up this important undertaking. "Our prime goal is to meet the health needs| of the people of this province and physicians in Ontario have a long established tradition in their responsible approach to preventive medicine programs," said Dr. MacNeill. TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN REE TE THE TORONTO '5!J}'] SYNDICATE Brent is a lively, friendly four-year-old, tall and slim 'with dark curly hair and brown eyes. : He has a couple of minor medical problems but is in good 3 general health. One eye turns in. It is being checked regularly but no treatment has been prescribed. He wears special shoes to correct a small orthopedic foot condition. He will probably need them for only a few years. Brent is a bright looking youngster but despite his alert appearance he is below average mentally. He will need special education but is educable and should be able to be independent when he grows up. Cheerful, happy Brent has a gentle, affectionate disposition. He needs a family where there are children of any age because 3 he loves company and gets on well with everybody. His adopting parents should give him all possible opportunities i and yet not push him beyond his capabilities. To inquire about adopting Brent, please write to Today's Child, Ministry of Community & Social Services, Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 2H2. In your letter tell something of your present family and your way of life. For general adoption information, contact Children's Aid Society. your local i 5 gn ORS ST. JOHN'S CHURCH - SCHREIBER Services will be held on GOOD FRIDAY at 7:00 P.M. and SUNDAY COMMUNION at 7:00 P.M. TERRACE BAY MEN'S FASTBALL LEAGUE GENERAL MEETING Thursday, April 15th 8:00 p.m. Conference Room of the Recreation Center Anyone interested in playing or coaching please plan fo attend. WANTED - RELIEF CLERK Experience in typing, some bookkeeping and office work essential. For information please call" the McCausland Hospital Administration Office 825-3695. AFFECTIONATE DISPOSITION