PAGE 6 TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 7, I976 2 A group of eleven young men and women from Thunder Bay were the invited guests of the Terrace Bay Gospel Assembly on Sunday, March 28th. : They arrived Sunday afternoon and supper was served at the home of Else Read. The group gave testimonies and sang a num- ber of gospel chorus' and songs accompanied by four guitars and piano. Approximately fifty adults and young people attended the Sunday evening service. The young guests were from the Finnish Pen- tecostal Church in Thunder Bay and delighted the congregation with one Finnish song. At the close of the service, Pastor John Laari thanked the group and a coffee hour followed at Mr. and Mrs. Vern McConnell's in . Schreiber. ; THE MCCAUSLAND HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND The Board of Governors of the McCausland Hospital gratefully acknowledge the following contributions to the Building Fund. ; Personal donations - $606.50; Payroll De- ductions - $6,038.18; In Memoriam - $55.00; Out-of-Town- Gulf Oil of Canada - $500.00; Hospital Memberships (from three day sale) - $42.00; Groups - From the Management and Staff of the Mayfair Hotel, Schreiber - $89.50, This donation filled a "bucket" - a novel pre- sentation! Our sincere thanks. We'll take a "bucket full" anytime! Booster Button sale - $335.38. 3 Kimberly Clark made another payment-on their pledge - $1,968.66. Total March contri- butions - $9,635.22. Total amount in the bank {as of April) ~- $120,521.97 A Ranger - Cadet company is active in Ter- race Bay, with Rangers holding regular meet- ings in the homes of the girls. The age for this group is fourteen years and up, and the 'Leader is Mrs. Cathy Geldreich. The older girls are the Cadets, who then train to be Blue or Brown Leaders with packs and companies in town. The Guide and Brownie float made on the Olympics theme won first prize in the Winter Carnival Parade. The prize was $20.00 which will be shared between the units. Miss Anne Crockford, Carnival Queen representing the Guiding Movement, was presented with a -Guide Pendant. Barb Wise thanked her for her par- ticipation in the Carnival. Cont'd pg. 7.. Thunder Bey (Alpine) » « o 577-6426 Terrace Bay « 825-3286 Red lake o « o 927-2858 Marathon. e « o 229-1213 Fort Frances . » 274-7721 RESERVATION CENTRE (807)577-6426 TELEX: 073-4360 OR CALL YOUR TRAVEL AGENT CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS TODAY'S ANSWER LV 37 Off the ship 1 God of love 38 Shaw's "'-- 5 Hurl and the 9 Gay blade Man" 10 Toxophilite 39 State (Fr.) 12 Bohemian 40 Card game N 13 City in Pakistan 1 Dowy. J{A{0[H|V]|] H Book- ; 2 Virtuous FEILER 14 keeper's' 3 Unconscious MLAR abbreviation (4 wds.) 10 Unassisted 24 Lamentation 15 Filch 4 "King" of 11 Anthology 26 Trumpet 16 *'-- and Spain 15 Clarinet's sound Syms, 5 -- apple vibrator 29 Bellini opera pathy 6 -- himmel! 18 Bell sound 31 Jaunty 17 Compare 7 Wild guess 19 Wet 33 Trial run 19 Intellect (4 wds.) 22 1943 Bogart 35 Tibetan 20 House- 8 Roman movie gazelle maid's -- dramatist 23 Postulation 36 Used to be 21 Fairy tale mT I TET FE word 22 Accelerate [9 10 14 24 Bishop's \r status 12 13 25 ey 4 is be lake = 26 Stuff and R i nonsense! 30 2 27 Gehenna 28 Grow 22 [23 24 toward sunset 25 26 "oo eein 3 things?" CH Fr 7 (2 wds.) 31 Criticize | A i harshly Tk 35 36 32 Speck i 34 Tackle-and- [37 8 crane worker 39 40 36 Pottery 4 At je!