PAGE I2 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 3I, 1976 REGULAR ART CLUB SESSIONS: Meetings are now held every Tuesday after- noon from I to 4 p.m. in the large meeting room of the Recreation Centre, rather than Thursday evenings. Everyone is welcome to attend. COMING EVENTS: April 2nd, 3rd & 4th - Terrace Bay Men's Open Bonspiel, Curling Lounge. Monday, April 5th - Horticultural Society Emergency Meeting - large meeting room of the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre - 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 5th - Regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary, Terrace Bay Community Church 8 p.m. in the Church basement. Everyone welcome. ; Saturday, May 8th - Terrace Bay Annual Curling Wind-up and Dance. Moose Hall. Music by WILD AFFAIR. ARENA SCHEDULE (subject to unavoidable change) Wed. - 1:00- 3:30 Public Skating & Mar,31 Public School 3:30- 4:00 Scrape & Flood 1:00- 6:00 Figure Skating 6:00- 7:00 Major Peewees 7:00- 7:20 Scrape & Flood 7:20~ 8:20 Public Skating (open) 8:20- 9:20 Broomball 9:20-11:00 llockey -- no body contact Thurs.= 1:00- 3:30 Public Skating Apr.l1 3:30- 4:00 Scrape & Flood 4:00- 5:00 Figure Skating 5:00- 6:00 Atoms 6:00- 7:00 Bantams 7:00- 7:20 Scrape & Flood 7:20- 8:35 Midgets 8:35- 8:55 Scrape & Flood 8:55-10:15 Intermediates 10:15-11:30 Broomball Fri, - 1:00- 3:30 Public Skating Apr. 2 3:30- 4:00 Scrape & Flood 4:00- 6:00 Fizure Skating 6:00- 7:00 Peewee Hockey 7:00- 7:20 Scrape & Flood 7:20- 8:20 Peewee Allstars R:20- 9:30 Public Skating Sat. - 9:45-11:00 Atoms Apr.3 11:10-11:30 Scrape & Flood 1:00- 6:00 Figure Skating 6:00~ 6:20 Scrape & Flood 6:20-10:00 Figure Skating 10:00 Scrape & Flood Sun, =~ 9200-12:00 Apr.4 12:00-12:30 1:30- 4:30 4:30 6:00~- 7:00 7:00- 7:20 7:30- 9:00 Mon, - 1:00- 3:30 Apr.5 3:30- 4:00 4:00- 6:00 6:00- 7:00 7:00- 7:20 7:20~ 8:20 8:20- 8:40 8:40-10:00 10:00 Tues. = 1:00- 5:00 Apr.6 5:00- 6:00 6:00- 7:00 7:00- 7:20 7:20- 8:20 Tues. ~ 8:20- 8:40 Apr.6 8:40-10:30 10:30-11:30 Wed. = 1:00- 3:30 Apr.7 3:30- 4:00- 6:00- 7:00- 7:20- WON + es 60 00 ee o0 YO 8:20- 9:20 9:20-11:00 Figure Skating Scrape & Flood Public Skating (open session) Scrape & Flood Public Skating Scrape & Flood Intermediates Public Skating & Separate School Scrape & Flood Figure Skating Peewee House League Scrape & Flood Bantams Scrape & Flood Broomball Scrape & Flood Arena closed due to ice repairs Atoms Minor Peewee Allstars Scrape & Flood Ban tams Scrape & Flood Intermediates Broomball Public Skating & Public Schools Scrape & Flood Figure Skating Ma jor Peewees Scrape & Flood Public Skating (open session) Broomball Hockey - no body contact TERRACE BAY MEN' § CURLING CLUB - Annual Meeting THURSDAY, APRIL BTH 7:00 P.M. Curling Club Lounge - election of officers - review of this season's play ALL CURLERS URGED TO ATTEND THIS VERY [IMPORTANT MEETING!!.