MARCH 24, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 FIRE SEASON 1975: Cont'd Ground forces numbering over three hundred, using as many as sixty-six power pumps, six bulldozers and six skidders were required to bring the fire under control. Seventy percent of the forest fires within the Terrace Bay District during the 1975 fire season were man caused, and therefore preven- table. Please do your part to reduce man- caused forest fires during the 1976 fire sea- son. ' The minutes of Meeting No. -3/76 held Feb- ruary I6th were approved and the minutes of The French Language Advisory Committee Meet- ing held February 23rd were acknowledged as received at the Lake Superior Board of Educa- tion Meeting No. 4/76 held March I5th. Trustee K. MacNeill, a member of the Main- tenance, Property Sales and Purchases Commit- tee confirmed that interviews for the hiring of Maintenance Working Foremen would be held on Saturday, March 20th in the Board Office in Schreiber. Eight candidates are being interviewed for three positions. A Brief, - which was submitted covering Teachers' Salaries to the Anti-Inflation Board in Ottawa for review, has not yet been replied to. This was confirmed by the Chair~ man of the Salary Committee, Trustee R.P. Ungar. The Business Administrator presented Dis- bursements for the month of February, 1976, totalling $452,343.95, which were approved. The Board accepted, with regret, the res- ignation of Mr. Gerald R. Saumur, the Prin- cipal of Manitouwadge Public School, effec- tive I976 08 3I. Mr. Saumur is moving to The Lanark County Board of Education as a Principal. His long and dedicated contribut- ion to educational leadership in this School Division will be missed. Additional regulations to cover Out-Of- School Activities were approved. The exact procedural steps were laid down which must be followed before final approval is given for an Out-0Of-The System Trip. Approval was given for a Grade 8 class in Marathon Public School for a Field Trip to Ottawa and Toronto during the period May I7 to May 28th, 1976. Through fund raising, Government grants and commitments from the students themselves, a fund of approximately $11,500.00 has already been raised toward the cost of the trip. The Official Opening of the New Wing in the Marathon Public School was fixed for Thursday, June I7th, I976. A report was received from the Year 4 Man- itouwadge Students, who recently went on a Field Trip to Quebec. The next regular meeting of the Board is set for April 2Ist, I976, at 7 p.m. at the Marathon High School. The Library will be closed : for inventory MARCH 29th to APRIL 2nd inclusive. ¥ Consumer and Consommation Corporate Affairs et Corporations André Ouellet, Minister. : New improvements in Canada's competition policy are helping to ensure more truth in advertising, clear and well-defined guarantees and honest selling practices that protect both business and consumer. André Ouellet, ministre, Our ideal is a fair marketplace for everyone. For free literature on Canada's competition policy and how it works for you, : write to: Box 99, Ottawa K1N 8P9.