PAGE 1%. TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 24, I976 Classified Ads : 41° Fort ALL YouR Il. m. dodick || _ MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under . . PHOTO COPYING cash in advance) R.O AND - $2.25 (if charged) i ; 5¢ per word after 25 OPTOMETRIST COMMERCIAL : ® PRINTING oes et o - - 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE CONTACT THE | - @X08 or soup, siews, 8 {-] Sauce, etic. 45¢ each, Phone 824-2353 Saou 6 & AP in S22 DAN TERRACE BAY NEWS FOR SALE - I970 Chevelle Malibu, 307 ou. in., 2 door, bucket seats, automatic, good tires. Phone 824-20I3 ERs = 1972 Tsvses Singmnt Ente BIRCH GROVE MOTEL brakes, power windows. Comfortron automatic air condition D.A.A. APPROVED heating system, pisiifastion, roof Fasks power rear window, ® Group & Family Rates 3I6 Walker Street, power rear door, 4 new snow tires, 4 new summer tires, : ; . : needs minor body work and tune up, For quick sale $2600, 8'Dajly v8 Weekly fates Schreiber, Ontario firm. Call 825-3243 extension 244 or 25 or visit 59% ® Fully Modern Kitchens 4 26 al 2 & Lakeview Drive, Terrace Bay after 5 p.m. : ® Cable T.V. - Plug Ins WANTED - Ski-boose in good condition. Phone 824-2049, LOST - possibly in Terrace Bay on March 7th - one black nylon Winnwell boys hockey glove. Finder please call: 5 CATALOQUE ORDER OFFICE HOUSE FOR SALE - 535 lekeview Drive, Terrace Bay. Phone 705-560-2600, ~~ PHONE 824-2112 APARTMENT FOR RENT - one furnished bachelor epartment. MONDAY to FRIDAY 9 - § Filane's Fallen Rock Motel. Phone 824-2755, APARTMENT FOR RENT - Centrally located in Schreiber. Available in April, Phone 824-2797. APARTMENT FOR RENT - 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, living room. Phone 824-2577 or 824-2534 anytime, ! nd ad WANTED- TO RENT - Apartment in Terrace Bay for young couple, no children. Urgently needed by the end of March or first ® SD : week in April, Phone 825-9116. & 9 : WANTED - 2 bedroom apartment or house to rent. Phone 1 S 1 { In 825-3394. Featuring WANTED - one bachelor apertiment in Terrace Bay, Phone 1 825-3820 after 5:30 p.m. Chevrolets : 4 fi: ARI. their friends who helped and wishes us well on our move. i ---- K8 You are all welcome to come and visit. Spruce Homes, Sask. - Bruce, Myrt, Jo-Ann, Dawn, Russell, : wr CARD OF THANKS - The Kinette Club of Schreiber wishes to thank ell those who purchased or advertised in our Community] Birthday Calendar. The proceeds will be used for the ben- g efit of the Community. Extra calendars without your per- ; sonal listings are still available at $I.50 each. Rent-a-car Ee SPADONI BROS. LTD. fiz gg remy Sis nse tione, || SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY T8a), © Temeivont | | CALILARRY:AT 824-2304 © \ CARD OF THANKS - The McBride family wishes to thank all ' SLL $ Hy