PAGE IO TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 24, 1976 TO: THE EDITOR TERRACE BAY NEWS On Wednesday, March 10, 1976 the Board of Governors of the McCausland Hospital announced that they had found it necessary to make reduc- tions in staff. In its cutting of hospital costs in the province, the Ministry of Health has decreed that the McCausland Hospital must cut $23,500 from its staffing budget. In order to accomplish this saving, The Board plans the following actions: - cut Registered Nursing staff from 2 R.N.'s per shift (6 R.N.'s in 24 hours) to 13 R.N.'s on day shift and 1 R.N. on each evening and night shifts. (3% R.N.'s in 24 hours). - increase Registered Nursing Assistants from 1 on each of days and evenings fo 1 on each shift, - decrease dietary and housekeeping staff by one full-time staff and cut the housekeeping supervisor by-1z days per week. - possible decrease of one part-time secretary. - create a position for a full-time registsrog laboratory technician. - create a position for a full-time X-ray tech- nologist. The money which the Board is Bi anal to save through these changes is in actual fact false economy. The majority of staff cuts pro- posed are at the level of professional worker '~ i.e. the Registered Nurse. The worker that the Board is hiring to replace the R.N. is less qualified non-professional worker, the R.N.A. Because the R.N.A. does not have the competencies and skills passed by the R.N. and because the R.N.A. would often require super- vision by the R.N., the Board will find it nec- essary to maintain R.N.'s on a 24 hour standby basis. As the case load dealt with by the hospital staff often requires the utilization of 2 R.N.'s at the same time, any money which the Board is saying they will save will actual- ly be needed to pay for call-in of R.N.'s which would then be at a premium rate. Herein lies the false economy. It would seem to the writer that it is much more reason- able to maintain a staffing pattern of the R.N.'s per shift whose skills will be readily avai lable to the patient in the hospital and the person seeking treatment through the out- patient emergency area. The skills of an R.N. on call are not very useful to the patient in distress if the R.N. is still at home and the only person free to help him is a lesser qual- {fied R.N.A. who legally must not practice be- yond her capabilities and educational back- ground. In place of competent R.N.'s to provide direct patient care, the Board is offering the public a full-time lab. technician to operate an incompletely equipped laboratory when these kinds of services are already offered by the Provincial Lab. in Thunder Bay. The Board is also offering the public a full- time person to take their x-rays. Unfortun- ately, neither of these staff persons will be available to the public on evenings, nights ar weekends and do-not possess the skills offered the patients by the R.N. The net result to the users of the McCaus- land Hospital, Terrace Bay, will be sadly decreased quality of care and the probability of lack of qualified assistance in times of distress and emergency, and even loss of life. | f you as a potential user of the Hospital services are not willing to accept the minimal care being proposed by the Board of the McCausland Hospital, please let them know. Yours Sincerely, YOUR NURSES Board Members Phone Number Mrs. R. McAdam 825-3675 Mr. R. Wills 825-3331 Mrs. J. McEwen 825-3265 Mrs. S. Mikus 825-3640 Mr. W. Houston 825-3857 Mrs. B. Usher 825-3658 Mrs. M. Puttock 825-3562 Mr. R. Bray 825-3376 Mrs. D. Rummery 824-2197 Mr. S. Kirkpatrick 824-2552 Mr. B. Tilbury - 824-2480. h YOUR AGUASABON GOLF CLUB 1976 EXECUTIVE President - D. Rattray Vice-President - P. Spadoni Treasurer - C. Buck Secretary - R. Cotton Committee Chairmen = Membership - P. Cebrario; Tournaments - R. Lapointe; Handicap W. Miller; House - Howard Solly; Publicity - R. Sinotte; Entertainment - T. O'Driscoll. MOOSE BINGO The Loyal Order of Moose will sponsor a Bingo on Thursday, March 25th at 8:00 p.m. in the Moose Hall, Terrace Bay. Bus leaves Schreiber Post Office at 7:15 BH TE i be ns Se a