PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 10, 1976 BIRCHWOOD TERRACE EVENTS: Cont'd These girls have more or less made this an annual event and one which the residents great -ly look forward to. Three beautifully decor- ated valentine cakes were brought in by the girls and served with tea. Monday, March lst the Ladies of the Commun- ity Church Auxiliary (evening group) of Terraces Bay put on a St. Patrick's Evening for the residents. Dave Barnett and his musical group were in full swing with Pam Jones singing many of the old Irish favourites. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cavanaugh, Mary Chadwell and Joe Marcella came in as guests and added to the evening by Ed and Joe telling stories. LEGION MIXED BOWLING REPORT Ted Velanoff led all bowlers with a score of 313, 304, 225 (842). Nice bowling, Ted. Other high scores were D. Coupal 239, 206, (606); B. Moon 245, 246, (670); J. Megraw 286, (614); M. Papineau 201, 232, (616); N Chopty 205; L. Fournier 223; J. Fisher 205; Y. Leclair 202. Standings are Bombardiers 88%, Corvettes 80%, Irish Reg't 71%, Spitfires 52, Camerons 51%. The Bombardiers have the bye this week. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT During the week ending March 7 a total of 32 occurances were investigated. On March 1, the theft of parts of a motor vehicle from the Woodlands garage was reported and is under investigation. An accident occured on the Mill Road on the 3rd of March and damages were estimated at $1,500. E A local resident was charged with impaired b driving on March 2. On March 5 Police investigated a minor ac- | cident in town. On March 7th a local resident was charged with impaired driving. 3 Three charges and two cautions under the i Motorized Snow vehicles Act and two charges under the Highway Traffic Act were laid. Two charges were laid under the Municipal parking By-Law. Eight motor vehicles were safety checked with five warnings being issued. Police were called upon to attend to three domestic disputes. STORK CLUB Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. Alfarano of Schrei- ber, a girl on Saturday, March 6. GENERAL PUBLIC INVITED ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF TERRACE BAY & SCHREIBER APRIL 5th LARGE MEETING ROOM RECREATION CENTRE THE DIRECTORS OF THE TERRACE BAY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ARE CALLING AN EMERGENCY MEETING TO DECIDE THE FUTURE OF THIS ORGANIZATION. DUE TO INSUFFICIENT INTEREST YOUR HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY IS IN DANGER OF DISBANDING. YOUR SUPPORT IS URGENTLY NEEDED. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. 7:30 P.M. :