PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 10, 1976 BUDGET CUTS FOR MCCAUSLAND HOSPITAL The McCausland Hospital was notified rec- ently by the Deputy Minister of Health, Mr. W. Allan Backley, following a meeting by the Minister of Health with the Ontario Hospital Association, that financial constraints were to be applied to hospitals including the McCausland Hospital and that these would take the form of staff reduction at this hospital. The savings in terms of Ministry of Health Liability, which ought to be produced during the fiscal year amount to $23,500. It is recognized that staff cut at our hospital may to some degree reduce the availability of hospital care and service to the community. Ministries being contacted by the hospital with regard to the reduction in staffing hours and budget for 1976. Since the position of the Ministry remain unchanged, the Board of Governors of the McCausland Hospital held a meeting and explored means and methods to effect a reduction in staffing hours. Although every effort is made to retain all general and essential services available to the communities, yet if staff reduction is inevitable at the McCausland Hospital under the present circumstances. Paul Mathew Administrator. ALABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES J a im ani The Terrace Bay Figure Skating Club has finalized plans for their annual ice frolics to be held in conjunction with the winter carnival. The theme for this year's show is Albaba and the forty thieves, directed by Miss Donna Shubaly, Club Professional and M.C.'d by Gary Suo of CJSD F.M. Radio Station, Thunder Bay. There will be two shows. The crowning of the Winter Carnival King and Queen will take place during the intermission of the evening performance. RECENT EVENTS AT BIRCHWOOD TERRACE On February llth the Ladies Auxiliary of St. Andrew's United Church, Schreiber spon- sored a Penny Auction for the residents of Birchwood Terrace. This was a. first with many of our residents and was met with great enthusiasm. A delicious assortment of sand- wiches brought in by the ladies was served with tea to finish off the afternoon. On February 16th the Kinettes of Schreiber gave the residents a "Valentine Tea" and an dfternoen Of bingo. "Cont'd pg.12.. cae vs "eee SINGER REPRESENTATIVE, ED TULIN WILL BE IN TERRACE BAY MARCH 15 & 16 SINGER PRESENTS - DIANA- ATHENA Two electronic open arm machines. Both machines will be available for demonstration by Ed Tulin on March 15 & 16. SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS AVAILABLE 20 foot retractable cord; powerful power head brush; large disposable bags; all the extra attachments. AT SALE-A-THON PRICES. For appointments call 825-3747. Check these features: all metal construction; 2% h.p. motor; MY TOWN Well here I sit, pen in hand And wondering what to say To compliment this K.C. town The town of Terrace Bay. It isn't really very much. A Plaza and two schools. A place to work, a place to play a Rec and swimming pool. And kids have parties at the beach. They gather up a crowd. A fire, fun and games for each, Their music turned up loud. I guess it isn't quite that bad In more ways than I can tell There really are exceptions though The main one is the smell This poem isn't very good But what more can you say About our growing little place Our town of Terrace Bay. by Jenny Dorman Why you should let H&R Block worry about your income taxes. We're human, and once in a great while we make a mistake. But if our error means you must pay additional tax, you pay only the tax. We pay any interest or enalty. We stand hind our work. Get a little peace of mind. HéR BLOCK Da hy EL M, REID, 139 WINNIPEG SCHREIBER 824-2075 Weekdays, 1-9 Saturday,9-5