Putilc Library Terrace Bay, Ont. 2 TERRACE BAY NEW oe N Vol. I9 No. 9 MARCH 3, 1976 20¢ PER COPY The District Board of Management held their monthly meeting at Pinewood Court on February 20th, I976. There were only four Board Members in attendance to deal with the heavy agenda. Mr. Harness, the Chairman of the Board was in Toronto General Hospital and is not expected out until the end of the month. The Vice-Chairman, Mr. Alex Daneff, handled the four hour meeting. The operating accounts for the two Homes totalling $II2,544.97 were passed for payment. Progress Billings Numbers 3 and 4 to Buset Brothers for the addition to the dining room totalling $4,593.03 were also approved for payment. In capital expenditures there were two items, a calculator and two electric heat- ers passed for approval. Staff changes took considerable time as there were two permanent terminations, one in Pinewood Court and the other in Birchwood Terrace. Both cases were dealt with in detail and correspondence in relation to them were read by the Chairman with the Administrator giving a detailed account of the reason behind the decisions. Board Members were unanimous in Supporting the changes. The Chairman reminded the Board Members of the responsibility of the Adminis- trator to the Board. His explanation indicat- es that decisions of this nature are not made without due consideration. Admissions were approved when space is available for five new applicants. The Board Members questioned the Administrator as to when Birchwood Terrace would reach its capa- city. The reply was that his present estimate would be early in I977 if applications con- tinued on the present average. Continued page 2.......... The regular meeting of Terrace Bay Town Council was held Thursday, February 26th with acting Reeve C. Hale and Councillors Helmink and Kennedy present. & On behalf of the Library Board, R. Thorpe, Chairman and K. MacLeod bresented the I976 Library Board Budget to the Council. Mr. M. Osmar had requested to appear before Council. His discussion mainly dealt with the publication of the Police Court News in the Terrace Bay News. The minutes of the previous regular Coun- cil meeting were adopted and from these a motion was passed to pay the dental plan pre- mium for employees. - Correspondence included: from the assess- ment Commissioner the I976 equalized assess- ment being II.55% for Terrace Bay; from the Ministry of Housing regarding the approval of by-law No. 280. In response to advertising in the Shrine Club souvenir program Council will run an I/8 page ad. Permission was granted to St. Martin's grade eight class to sell Easter chocolates. Oxfam Canada requested Council publicize a Proclamation re "Week of Concern" for the Guatemala earthquake victims. This will be done for the week of March 8 - I4th. - A letter from a citizen outlining the haz- ard caused by the build up of snow between the Norwood Motel and Red Dog Inn prompted Council to write to the parties involved. The Terrace Bay Winter Carnival Committee wrote requesting a portion of Simcoe Plaza be blocked off on Saturday, March I3th in order that a Klondike Morning could be held. Continued page 2..........