FEBRUARY 25, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 TERRACE BAY POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT For the two week period ending February 23 thirty five occurences were investigated. Five incidents of willful damage-are at pre- sent under investigation. Most of these occ- ured at the Recreation Centre and were of a minor nature. Theft of a battery from a parked motor veh- icle was reported. During the week a local resident was charg- ed with impaired driving. On February 17, Joe St. Pierre was sentenc- ed to one month in prison for defrauding the Terrace Bay Enterprises of $8.00 worth of gas. Three minor accidents were reported. Six charges were laid against snow mobile operators for driving without licenses and insurance. Two charges were laid under the Municipal parking law. Seven motor vehicles were safety checked with five warnings being issued. COURT NEWS: On February 19 Judge Clarke presided over the regular sitting of 'the Provincial Court at Terrace Bay. MOOSE BINGO The Loyal Order of Moose will sponsor a Bingo on Thursday, February 26th at 8:00 p.m. in the Moose Hall, Terrace Bay. Bus leaves Schreiber Post Office at 7:15 p.m. - Solar System Planets in the solar system follow elliptical orbits around the sun, with those of Neptune and Pluto overlapping. Each planet travels faster when close to the sun. That's why the length of days on earth vary slightly suringtheyears FOR SALE BY TENDER One used 3 M copier machine, Mode! Number 107 Some paper and dispenser included. Can be seen at the Administration Office, Birchwood Terrace (Room 116). ; Submit written tender by March 8, the undersigned: Mr, P. Mathew, Administrator, | McCausland Hospital, Terrace Bay, Ontario 1976 to Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Marvin Osmar pleaded not guilty to causing a disturbance by using obscene language at the home of a police officer. He was found guilty and granted an unconditional discharge. Osmar apologized to the officer in court. Gerard Barry and John Paul Fournier pleaded guilty to two charges of break, énter and theft. Fournier pleaded guilty to an addition- al charge of willful damage. Both youths were remanded for a pre-sentence report. Rene Theriault who was charged with willful damage did not enter a plea and was remanded for one month to seek legal counsel. INCOME TAX RECEIPTS FOR HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND Official tax receipts for donations made to the Hospital Building Fund plus Hospital Mem--- bership cards are being processed and will be in the mail by the end of February. Should you not receive a receipt by the first week of March, and you have qualified for one, please leave your name and address with Mrs. Laura Legault at the Hospital Administrators Office - 825-3695. For those who do not qualify for an autom- atic Hospital Membership, cards will be on sale the first week of March. Please watch for place and time in the Terrace Bay News and on Channel 13. Public Relations McCausland Hospital. Featuring GMC trucks Truck rentals SPADONI BROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304