PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 25, 1976 RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT Cont'd It should by pointed out that the restricted use of the tractor and the opening of the en- trance doors has reduced the fume problem sig- nificantly; however, we hope that the problem will 'be totally solved with the installation of a ventilation system. . NORTH SHORE HOCKEY: This coming Thursday, February 26th, the Marathon Midgets will be in town to provide opposition for the Terrace Bay Midgets. Game time will be at 7:30 p.m. This coming Sunday, February 29th, the Mar- athon Major Peewees and Bantams will be in town to play against the Terrace Bay Major Pee -wees and Bantams. Games will start at 1:00 p.m. UPHOLSTERY : Please refer to this Pg. for details concer- ning an Upholstery Workshop which will be held in Terrace Bay in March. It is important to point out that anyone who has called the Rec- reation Office to indicate interest in the course HAS NOT REGISTERED FOR THE COURSE. order to register for the course, you must drop down to the Recreation Office to fill out your form and make payment. In BROOMBALL PROGRAMME VERY SUCCESSFUL: A complete Broomball league has now been formed with five teams competing. They are as follows: MECO, Kimberly Clark engineers, San- ross, Peterson Electric and Frankel-Marshall. Starting this week, 3 games will be held weekly ACCOMMODATIONS WANTED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING SUITE AND / OR ROOM WITH BOARD FOR TWO STUDENT ENGINEERS FOR PERIOD MAY 1ST TO AUGUST 31ST. FOR FURTHER INFORMA- TION PLEASE CONTACT - EMPLOYMENT OFFICE KIMBERLY CLARK OF CANADA TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO. with open Broomball on Friday evening. Why not drop down to the arena during the games to watch Terrace Bay's finest players in action. COMING EVENTS: Thursday, February 26th - Marathon Midgets @ Terrace Bay Midgets in the Terrace Bay Arena. Game time 7:30 p.m. sunday, February 29th - Marathon Major Peewees and Bantams @ Terrace Bay Major Peewees and Bantams. Games start at 1:00 p.m. March llth, 12th, 13th, 14th - Terrace Bay Winter Carnival. i NOTICE The due date for interim billing is March 30. Township of Terrace Bay THE CONFEDERATION COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS & TECHNOLOGY CONTINUING EDUCATION DIVISION in cooperation with TERRACE BAY RECREATION DEPARTMENT offers the following program UPHOLSTERY Upholstery techniques are developed in this program to enable the student to recover most types of chairs and chest -erfields. The student is allowed fo bring an arm chair or occasional chair, but not chesterfields or love seats, To recover. INSTRUCTOR: Eva Connors FEE: $25.00 includes some misc. material STARTING DATE: March 8 - 19, 1976 TIME: 7 --10 p.m. Monday thru Friday (2 weeks) PLACE: Terrace Bay Recreation Centre - Course Limit 10 Students REGISTER: At Terrace Bay Recreation Centre during office hours. Note: Refund of Fees will only be made should insufficient enrolment force cancel lation.