PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 4, 1976 2) 3 MOOSE VALENTINE DANCE- Saturday, February 14 Music: Sound Investment Member ~- $6.00 couple Non-Members - $12.00 per couple Tickets: B. Willan 824-2868, G. Birch 824-2324, HW. Hart 825-3530, W. Aylward 825-3375. WINTER CARNIVAL NEWS A meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Recreation Centre with David Luxmore chairing it. The meeting was well attended and many items were finalized. The 1975 finincial policy was discussed and in the near future the ammendments passed will be issued to all organizations. : Ye Fi Ideas have started to come in. The Curl- : Our ® ing Club represented by Hugh Brophy are going to hold an open Mini Bonspiel on Friday, Your Future March 12 at 6:30 p.m. for everyone. ® The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Monday, February 16th, has been set aside Legion Branch 223 will sponsor a Childrens as Heritage Day. Kinsmen Clubs across Variety night on Sunday, March 14th at 7:00. Canada invite you to make the most of it Anyone interested in entering is to contact Fy ihe flag. Take pant ia the activities Pam Jones, 825-3714 or Freda Boucher 825-3739. Da nen 17 Jour community to The Terrace Bay Guide movement will can- Canada'is one of the greatest countries in vass the town with Carnival Buttons sometime the world. We have a good future. around February 14, and on to the Carnival Let's celebrate. date they will be on sale in the Plaza. " ee Shy wala Service organization that . Raa ian in member The price of the buttons was discussed thor- identity. The Association of ren Clubs oughly and to encourage more participation : : ) is proud to initiate and organize Heritage in all events the Committee will price them Day events. at 50¢ each or a family price of $2.00. All organizations or groups planning anything " in connection with the Winter Carnival are ._ asked to adhere to the Schedule, and also in- . form the Committee of their plans, this is to make sure that events don't overlap. . New ideas have been put forward for the Queen contest. All organizations are asked to enter a Queen and a float in the Carnival. FEBRUARY 16th, 1976 LEGION MIXED BOWLING = ' ot corr ot mews | |KINSmMen Club of ith £200, 282, (676). A aE : N. Chopty 204, Te I Ia C e B d y ] n C . 254, (627); Ted Velanoff 204, 232, (616); Bill Moon 215, 210, (618); Bill Megraw 202, 223; Bob Fournier 242; R. Thorpe 240; and L. The Association of 'Kinsmen Clubs MacRae 228. Standings are: Bombardiers 71, Corvettes 57%, Irish reg't 48%, Spitfires 43, Camerons 34. Camerons have the bye this week.