TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 4, 1976 TERRACE ST, MARTINTS CHURCH = Rev. A. Greengrass BAY SUNDAY MASS - 8:30 and 10:30 AM. SATURDAY MASS « 7:00 PM, COII"ESSTONS = 6:15 - 7:15 & after evening Mass on Saturday COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICE OF WORSHIP - 7:30 P.M. THIS WEEK ONLY HOLY COMMUNION « lst of the Month CHURCH SCHOOL - Grades 5 = 8 - 9:30 A.M, ~ Pre-school to Grade 4 = 11:15 A.M. ~ Care for Babies TERRACE BAY GOSPEL ASSEMBLY - P-stors John Laari Dave Laakso Services are held in the Public School Auditorium FAMILY HOUR = 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. SCHREIBER HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. F. Meyer DATLY MASS = Monday, Wednesday, Friday = 5:00 P.M. Tuesday and Thursday ~ 7:30 P.M. Saturday S100 A.M, & 7:15 P,V, SUNDAY "SERVICE = 9:30 and 11300 A.M, CONFESSIONS ~ Saturday = 4:15-5:15 P.M.; before Saturday evening Mass; before Sunday morning Mass and before all daily Masses. - ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH MORNING PRAYER = 1st & 5th Sundays - 11:00 AM. HOLY COMMUNION = 2nd Sunday =~ 7:00 P.M. x SACRAMENT OF HEALING = 4th Sunday ~ 7:00 P.M. HOLY COMMUNION ~ Every Thursday ~ 9:30 A.M. TRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev, R, Dye MID WEEK SERVICE « 7:00 P.M. = Wednesday SUNDAY SCHOCL = 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ~ 11:00 A.M, EVENTING PRAYER. - 7:00 P.M. SUN rs TREE - 1 00 P.M. TERRACE BAY NEWS- PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print-. ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS -9 a.m. to; 5. p.m. MON. - FRI. MAILING ADDRESS =- Box 579 PHONE 825-3747 DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON MONDAY of each week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867. INAUGURAL MEETING Cont'd ...... Upon re-adjournment, the following motions were passed: That the Finance and Personnel Committee be composed of the following Trust- ees: R. Meagher (Chairman), D. Banning, Y. Beauparlant, and R. Currier. That the Manage- ment Committee be composed of the following Trustees: R. McBride (Chairman), A. Pristanski, L, Dumais, and M. Nicol. The Chairman of the Board is an ex-officio member of all Committ- ees. It was resolved that this meeting be extend -ed to allow the Board to confirm the appoint- ment of its Administrative Officials. Mr. P., Gillan, B. Sc., M. Ed., was appoint- ed Secretary, Director of Education and Chief Executive Officer of the North of Superior . District Roman Catholic Separate School Board, effective January 1, 1976. Mr. J.T. Courtney, R.I.A., was appointed Superintendent of Business and Treasurer of the North of Superior District Roman Catholic Separate School Board, effective January 1, 1976. Mr. Bunkis then called upon Mr. Chris Adseff Executive Director of 0.S.8.7.A.,: to. address the meeting. Mr. Asseff brought congratulations on the formation of the new board and his thanks for having been sent a copy of the Comm -unity Information Bulletin. He stressed the importance of Phase 2 of the "Focus on Faith" program being sponsored by 0.S.S.T.A. and felt that participation in it 'would open communica- tions between board and parents. Mr. Asseff explained that we must have parents behind us 100% if we are going to survive. of salary negotiations, Mr. Asseff stressed the fact that the Board should send any pro- posals to 0.5.5.T.A. first for their advice, and that their office is open at any time to provide assistance. Mr. McCabe was then ihvited to speak to the Trustees. He brought greetings from the Lake- head District R.C.S.S. Board and made mention of the progress made from the original idea to the present desirable situation. He stated that the Lakehead Catholic School Board will continue to assist by sharing resources with us and that the Board should feel free to con- tact them at any time. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Nap Bouchie, a former long time resident of Terrace Bay. Mr. Bouchie passed away in hosp- ital on Friday, January 23rd. He was residing at: 5 - 561 Gilbert Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. In the matter fs LEE