PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS LEGION NEWS Cont'd.... Winners of the Bridge Tournament were Jean and Bill Megraw. : Semi finalists in the A event for darts ; were: Evelyn Knauff and Cam Burgess; Pam Jones and Bob Rodrigue. The winners were Evelyn and Cam with Pam and Bob as runner ups. The semi finalists in the B event were: Rose Marie Thorpe and Pat Jones; Oliver Thorne and John Reynolds. The winners were Rose Marie and Pat with Oliver and John as runner ups. A delicious lunch was served by the Ladies Auxiliary, Freda Boucher and her committee of Bea St. Louis and Yvonne and Paul Rochon who were kept busy making hamburgers, home made beans and bar sausage. j The Sports Day was a big success and many enthusiastic requests were made to hold one every two months. Conveners, George Churney, Sam Ballentine and helpers, Pam Jones and Jean Megraw thanked everyone who participated and will consider the requests. : At the end of the evening prizes were dis- tributed to all the lucky winners and dancing followed. WELCOME TO: Eileen and Keith Rivington and their children, Neil, Tommy and Bruce from Halifax. Keith works for Montreal Engineering and they reside at 611 Strathcona. Stell and Charles King and Anne Mary from La Pas, Manitoba. Charles works for Montreal Engineering and they live on Strathcona Ave. PORTRAIT PAINTER By happy chance, the Schreiber Art Club en- joyed a week of instruction in portrait paint- ing, their instructor being Gord Bongard of Toronto. They are hopeful he may return for another series of lessons. Mr. Bongard was in town with his own band, entertaining and when he discovered there was an Art Club in town he volunteered to assist them. The offer was gratefully accepted after seeing his work. Mr. Bongard is a man of many talents. He inherited both his musical and artistic talents from his family. Following a car accident in which he was crippled, he became an instructor in pysco- therapy but returned to his music and art. FEBRUARY 4, 1976 NEW OFFICERS INSTALLED Photo by Inez McCuaig. Left to right: Borden Ross, Installing Officer; G.A. Nicol, president; Mrs. Lorraine Weaver, Auxiliary president; Barbara McLaughlin, Installing Officer. a Borden Ross, past president of the Royal - Canadian Legion, Branch 109 and Barbara Ann McLaughlin, past president of the Branch's i Ladies Auxiliary, installed the newly elected officers of both groups. Frank McKenna was the Sgt. At Arms for the ceremony with R.W. Turner and Leonard Hiller = as the Colour Party. 4 Officers installed for the Legion were: G.A. Nicol, president; B.W. Ross, first vice president; Jack Luke, second vice president; Larry Bourke, the secretary, treasurer and service officer. He was unable to be present and will be installed later. Executive: Jim Crook, Jack Richardson, Rene Bedard, Bill Madge and Ivan Martin. Auxiliary officers installed included: Mrs. Charlotte Miller, warden; Mrs. Beatrice McCuaig, secretary; Mrs. Rena ROSS, treasurer; Executive: Mesdames Nean McKenna, Ruth Hiller, Jean Tremblay, Earline Johnson, Chris Morris, Chris Dunham and Ethel Smith. Mrs. Georgina Davis, first vice president; Mrs. Avila Richardson, second vice president; Mrs. Jean Crook, past president; Mrs. Lorraine Weaver, ; president. Mrs. Jean Crook was presented with her past president pin, and Mrs. Weaver, the new president, with a corsage. ; Mr. and Mrs. Crook, the husband and wife team of presidents for Branch and League, 5 thanked the members for their support and encouragement during their years in office, wishing the incoming presidents a successful year. Borden Ross paid tribute to Jim and i Jean, thanking them from the members. :