PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 1976 On Saturday, January 24th, the home of Clara and Fred Gould was open to friends, relatives and neighbours in honour of their 25th wedding anniversary. A family supper was held at the Red Dog Inn prior to the par- ty. A floral arrangement from Fred, adorned the table. Many lovely gifts, cards and flor al arrangements were received. During the evening many people attended to celebrate with the couple. Hostesses for the party were. their daughters from Thunder Bay, Nancy Deotzel and Gail Johnson. Mrs. Lillian Belliveau from Terrace Bay also assisted. sandwiches and dainties were served along with a cake made and decorated by Bert John- son. Ken Deotzel and Bert were kept busy attending to refreshments. A silver tray, goblets entwined with rings was received from their daughters and their husbands. A touching moment was shared when their daughter, Nancy, sang a song she had written to her mother and father especially for their Anniversary. She accompanied herself on the guitar. David Barnett, Diane Jones and David Mer- cier supplied the music for an informal sing- a-long. On behalf of everyone, Ray Belliveau pre- sented Clara and Fred with a money tree. Fred responded with thanks. Out of town guests were: Gail and Bert Johnson, Nancy and Ken Deotzel, David Mercier and Vicky Synishun all of Thunder Bay. Toots and Gaston Jaques attended from Schreiber. A broad arrow mark on standing trees was used to identify white pine to be cut for ship masts in early Canada. RJ | such as American Can, Kimberly Clark and Ont- By: L.J. Haas Local residents travelling between Terrace Bay and Marathon may have noticed some recent road construction near Deadhorse Creek. This creek is located a few miles east of McKellar Creek, a popular spot for sport fishermen. Last Fall five miles of all weather access road were constructed north of Highway 17 as a first step in our program to open up the Steel River Crown Manangement Unit. A Crown Management Unit can be defined as an area of : Crown land that is not under a long term lic- x ense to the established woods industry. In such an area or unit, the Ministry of Natural Resources is directly responsible for all phases of forest management, including such activities as long range forest management planning, short term operational planning, construction of main access roads, layout and allocation of areas to be harvested, cut-con- trol and reforestation of cut-over areas. This system differs from the practise on Crown land licensed to the larger corporations ario Paper. On the large timber licenses held by these corporations, the company forestry staff prepare and execute management and oper- ating plans subject to Ministry approval. Regeneration or reforestation of cut-over areas' is the responsibility of the Ministry on both = Company and Crown Management Units. Ina Crown; Management Unit, merchantable timber is mainly & % sold to independent woods operators under a short term licensing system. They usually sell their products to the pulp and paper mills and sawmills in the area. y The Steel River Crown Management Unit cover. an area of approximately 500 square miles. It includes such locally well known water systems as the Steel River, part of Steel Lake, Cairn- gorm Lake, Santoy Lake and Prairie, Foxtrap and Ruffle Take. Cont'd page Xl... .. SRA ARE ICN RR NOTICE | Any new ladies interested in joining in the next round of Tuesday night curling which will start Tuesday, Februarv 3rd please contact Ollie Chapman at 825-3289 before Friday, January 30, 1976.