-PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 21, 1976 POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT During the week ending January 17th a total of 18 occurrences were investigated. On January 13 complaints wee received from the Plst Office regarding persons tampering ° with the mail. Observations are being kept ° on the building and anyone found interfering with postal property will be prosecuted. On January 16 a minor hit and run accident occured. Inquiries are continuing. . Three charges were laid under the parking by-law. Two charges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act. One charge was laid under the Liquor Cont- rol Act. : SCHREIBER KOOL KATS J On December 19th, Schreiber Kool Kats held their first Christmas Party. A Pot Luck Supp- er began at 5:30. Afterwards candy and pop was served for the children and then about 7:00, we had a viditor from the North Pole. He arrived as jolly as ever with a bag full of presents and treats for the children. One little fellow was heard to exclaim as Santa arrived, "Holy cow, man, that! s the real one" Continued page So RUBY REBAKAH LODGE Cont'd Mrs. W. Clemens reported for the C.P.T. Committee. A giant Penny Auction and Grocery Hamper Draw will be held in the Town Hall. Grocery hamper draw tickets now are on sale. All members invited to donate two Penny Aut- tion prizes and two items for the grocery Hamp -er. Prizes may be brought to Lodge meeting or given to Mesdames, Helen Wallace; Gladys Hamilton or Lily Harris. Next CPT Meeting to be held on February at the home of Helen Wall- ace. 1] A card party will be held following the next Lodge meeting on January 28th at 9 p.m. Each member to invite friends to attend. Lunch committee was named as follows: Mesdames M.F. Green, Joyce Gilmore, M. Hamilton, E. Ha- rris, M. Kragero, I. Lidkea, M. Legault, B. Macadam, F. Nesbitt, V. Nesbitt and M. Slater. The Lodge meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. A Bakeless Bake Sale was scheduled at a later date. Mrs. Davis gave the Sick and Visiting Report. Mrs. M. Slater who attended the Annual Home at Barrie, Ont. in December reported an enjoyable time with the residents putting on the entertainment for the many visitors who attended from near and far. : Christmas party at the 0dd Fellow and Rebakah : Ontario ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Invitation to tender to clear right-of-way Deadhorse Creek Road Sealed tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m. Friday, February 6, 1976 for the clear- ing of five (5) miles of right-of-way on the Deadhorse Creek Road located approximately 28 miles east of Terrace Bay and five (5) mi les north of Highway 17. ! Tender documents and further particulars may be obtained by contacting Mr. K.E. Bowlier, Ontario Ministry of Natural Re- sources, P.0. Box 280, Terrace Bay, Ontario, Telephone Number (807) 825 - 3205. , LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. J.K. Reynolds Leo Bernier EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE CARETAKER - GREENSK EEPER This full-time position would be as follows: Nov. 1st to April 30th. (6 months) Terrace Bay Recreation Department yay 1st to Oct. 31st (6 months) Aguasabon. Golf Club Written applications are to be submitted as fol lows: Maintenance Caretaker-Greenskeeper Box 460, Terrace Bay, Ontario Applications should state age, education and previous experience. Duties as Mainte- nance Caretaker to include responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of all Rec- reation facilities of the Terrace Bay Rec- reation Department. Duties as Greenskeeper to include the main- tenance and upkeep of the facilities of the Aguasabon Golf Club. Further details pertaining fo this position Deputy Minister Minister will be discussed at the time of interview. ach ay | ET THT