PAGE 22 TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 10, 1975 TERRACE BAY-SCHREIBER YOUTH GROUP oF Sick 2 What started out to be a group of teen- agers out to provide themselves with enter- tainment has turned out to be a group which has helped more than itself. The McCausland Hospital Building Fund has recently received from this group dona- tions totalling $1750. of which $1250. was a cheque from Molson Breweries, presented by Gary Kozak, for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred by this group in their money raising projects. Including a previous donation, the teenagers have now been res- ponsible for a $2000. boost to the Building Fund. The group raised the money by holding dances, concerts and "Help Build Your Hospital Day" which was supported with help and dona- tions from the town. "Stryder" a band from Thunder Bay at no cost performed for the Youth dance. Debbie Vienneau on behalf of those who attended and Joan Nugent on behalf of the McCausland Hospital thanked the Band for their special donation. It is interesting to find the youth of to- day taking an interest in the communities' project of a new hospital and most gratifying to learn that an out-of-town business should become so interested in the Youth Groups activities. The Terrace Bay-Schreiber Youth appreciates and 'extends its thanks to everyone who has in any way assisted it in its ventures. WELCOME TO: Jody and Daryl Davis and children J.J. and Dallas, they are from Schreiber and Jody works for Kimberly-Clark. They now re- side at 643 Superior Avenue. Welcome to Noel and Aline Deschatelets and their little daughter Renee, they are from Longlac and Noel works for Kimberly-Clark. They reside at 642 Superior Avenue. A newcomer to Terrace Bay has certainly been made very welcome for she has been shar- ing her many talents in the crafts area with her friends and neighbours. Linda Jerrett of Strathcona Avenue had quite a good size group of ladies interested in Arts and Crafts so she started up a Craft Session in her own home and on my visit to one of these sessions I was truly very inter- ested in the string art, many beautiful col- ourful and intricate patterns were on display. Wall hangings and crotcheting were also being done. Pictures above is Mrs. Rita Moore working on a string art. The sessions are over now, but with the many requests Linda is hoping to start another in February. Photo by Pam Jones. If you smoke, drink, work hard and don't have a regular program for exercising, maybe you need some help in preparing your will. PdRTICIPALTION The Canadian movement for personal fitness. Fitness. In your heart you know it's right.