NOVEMBER 26, 1975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 GROUP COMMITTEE OF CUBS/SCOUTS MEETING: A group committee meeting of the Cubs/ Scouts of Terrace Bay was held at the Scout Hall on November 17, 1975. Following a short business section the re- gistrations and different groups were discuss -ed. Twenty two cubs are registered this season and any boy aged 8 - 11 can join the cubs. They meet at the Scout Hall, Mondays at 6:30 p.m. It was noted, with regret that no Scouts are started yet. All the Leaders of years gone by feel that some new life should be in- jected into this worthwhile group. If anyone is interested in helping our youth there are a lot of willing hands to guide one along. It's good news for the Venturers of Terr- ace Bay =~ a newcomer to town with a teenage son active in the Venturer Group has volun- teered to be the Venturer Leader. Thank you to Hiaaing Jacobsen. We wish you well in your venture. All inquiries to George Aulenback, Chair- man of the Group Committee. FAREWELL PARTY A farewell party in honour of Beverly Le- gault and Anita Stuart was held at the home of Rod and Evangeline Larson. A large number of their friends attendec the gathering. On behalf of all their friends Carla Celier presented Anita with a hair dryer and Bev with a make-up mirror. A delicious buffet Lin olehn was served Lky* Evangeline, Carla Calder & Jeannie Tychoniak. Beverly and Anita are both leaving Terrace Bay to make a new home in Fort McMurray, Elb- erta. JANINE PINEAULT HONOURED AT BRIDAL SHOWEK On Sunday, November 23 friends and relat- ives of Janine Pineault attended a shower held in her honour at the Community Church Hall. The Hall was beautifully decorated arc Janihe received many lovely gifts. Mrs. Gertrude Pineault and Mrs. Alice Yate: attended with the Bride elect. Charlene Yates assisted Janine in opéning the cifts with help from Patricia Pineault. Evangeline Lear- son was in charge of listing and displaying them. A guest book was circulated by Charlerec Yates. Hostess for the shower was Jeannie Tychon- iak and helpers were P. Coupal, RK. Falzettea, L. MacRae and D. Madge. Janine thanked everyone for the gifts. HAVING A BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR A CHILD? HOT DOG & POP $1.50 SHOES FREE! PLEASE GIVE ADVANCE NOTICE DOREEN'S SNACK BAR 825-3606 NIGHT SCHOOL TERRACE BAY CAMPUS ADULT PHYSICAL FITNESS & BASKETBALL MONDAYS - 7 to 10 P.M. REGISTRATION BY PHONE 825-3271 PAYMENT AT FIRST CLASS $15 NOTICE ANYONE, MEN OR WOMEN, INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH THE TERRACE BAY CANCER SOCIETY IS INVITED TO CONTACT MARY HALE 36/8, HELEN BROOKS 3691, OR IRENE STEEN 3561, FOR DETAILS.