TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 19, 1975 SCHREIBER ART CLUB: Mrs. Simonne Bourgeoise chaired the meet- ing of the Schreiber Art Club for November. The minutes of the past meeting and the Trea- surers report were adopted as read by Mrs. Sparkes. Mrs. Sparkes reported that the weekend work shop to be sponsored by Confederation College is not possible until spring. Mrs. Bonnie Dye, the Club's representative to the local Recreation Committee reported that the committee is prepared to offer some assistance with the fee paid the insturctor who works with grade school students. The class is filled and no more students can be accepted. Following the next meeting on December 7 films pertaining to Art will be shown. At the end of this meeting a coffee hour was enjoyed. Mrs. John Elliott, the former Earldean Gray of Schreiber, was one of 50 North Bay resid- ents selected to receive the city's 50 Anniv- ersary Year Honoured Citizen's Award. The in- vestiture was held at the Pinewood Motor Hotel Founder's Room on October 28 when a reception followed the investiture and dinner was served, Mrs. Elliott, always called "Dean" by her friends in Schreiber and the Lakehead where she was a graduate of McKellar Hospital School of Nursing, went to live in North Bay follow=~ ing her marriage. After Mr. Elliott's death she returned to nursing and has been active in the work of the Red Cross. : The criteria for the selection of recipien- ts of the award was that it was to be given in recognition of valuable services to the city of North Bay for which no reward or recogni- tion had been given, nor receipt of salary. Of the 50 chosen 34 were men and 16 women . C.P.R. EMPLOYEES (SCHREIBER) CREDIT UNION 25th ANNIVERSARY DANCE NOVEMBER 21st, 1975 Music by: Party Sound 9:00 p.m. = 1:00 a.m. at the Schreiber High School Auditorium. OPEN DANCE: Non-Members - $1.00 each COMMUNITY CHURCH EVENING GROUP: The Community Church Evening group of the Ladies Auxiliary of Terrace Bay held their November meeting in the Church Hall. President, Cora Ropchan opened the meeting with a prayer and Peggy Thompson read the Scripture. : Secretaries and Treasurers reports were given and accepted. All committee reports were read. : Plans were finalized for the Tea and Bazaar to be held November 22nd. Margaret-Anne Clou- gh will convene the tea tables. er Cora Ropchan, on the Nominating Committee gave the slate of Officers for 1976. They are: President - Stella Brown, Secretary - Joanne Moore, Treasurer - Brenda Barnett, Ways and Means - Margaret-Anne Clough, Membership - Marg Gander, Altar ~- Cora Ropchan, Property - Pam Jones, Programme - Peggy Thompson, Manse Committee - Marg Lundberg, Pianist - Clara Gould. The position of sick and visiting is now vacant due to Myrtle McBride leaving Terrace Bay. If their is anyone interested in help- ing to .send out cards to the sick and shut-ins please contact Cora Ropchan. PdRTICIPALTION BE A GAY BLADE Fitness. In your heart you know it's right. SCHREIBER TAXI AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY PHONE 824-2030