PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 12, 1975 Betty Cruickshank making presentation to Mr. Ed Cavanaugh while Mrs. Cavanaugh looks on. Charles Wise at Ceno- taph. Dorothy Koski making presentation to Jim Beddard. HOSPITAL HIGHLIGHTS: continued from page 1 Several members of the Hospital Auxiliary attended the District 12A Conference in Nip- igon. The October meeting of the Auxiliary was held Monday, the 20th. Mrs. Bichan, Dir- ector of Nursing was guest speaker. Accounts Payable and Net payroll totalling $38,392.60 was approved. Net Payroll accounts for 80% of the hospitals monthly expenses. A cheque of $23,600.00 from Kimberly Clark for "pledge payment" on the total cash in the Building Fund brought the total to $85,512.82 (October 20th). The cash balance as of Novem- ber 10th is now $90,674.59 TERRACE BAY SOCIAL SPECTRUM On November lst the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion 223 held their Poppy Day Tea and Bazaar. Many lovely tables were set with delicate Christmas novelty ideas, a bake tab- le and knitting table were well patronized. Tea tables were set around the room. The Community Church held a Pot Luck Supp- er. Many new residents were welcomed to the successful supper. Reverend Peter McKague said a few words of welcome, then said Grace. Lots of delicious dishes filled 2 tables, overflowing to side tables for the huge selec- tion of desserts. Close to 100 people atten- ded. After the meal Mrs. Margaret McKague held a sing-a-long with the "Joy" and "Hosana" choir members. ' During the last 6 weeks a group of adults from the congregation have been pra- ctising a song with the children and under the experienced eye of Margaret they too particip- ated in a round with the choirs accompaniment. Mrs. Aini Anderson was at the piano, When the sing song came to an end lots of people stayed for an informal visit or to play games for a- while. Pastor Terry Roth of Thunder Bay travelled down to Terrace Bay for Bible Lectures dealing with the subjects of Christian Living, Bible Prophecy and Current World Affairs. Terry is with the Worldwide Church of God and it is his 4th visit here. Those attending these lectures were from Marathon, Schreiber and Terrace Bay. The meetings were held in the Recreation Con- ference Room. Wednesday's (Nov.5th) Lecture was entitled "Progress to Oblivion" and the subject Thursday, Nov. 6th was "The Age of Ag- uarius". Both presentations were excellent and the young adults who attended will be tra- | velling up to Thunder Bay in the near future to attend more of the Lectures given by Terry. Travelling with Terry was his wife Linda. All readers of the "Plain Truth" magazine are welcome to any of these interesting and educ- ational lectures. Be the first on your block to be able to run around it. J ) The Canadian movement for personal fitness Fitness. In your heart you know it's right. The Annual Fall Meeting of the Terrace Bay Horti- cultural Society will be held in the Conference Room of the Recre- ation Centre, November 20th at 7:30 p.m. The general public is invited to attend. ------