PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 17, I975 IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK 25 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER Il, I950 Radio fans have had a tough time with reception this past week and many complaints have been directed to the Municipal Office, The Municipal Clerk immediately telephoned toc the rep -resentative of the Department of Transport, the responsible Government agency at the lakehead, and a radio car has been promised for this week. A word of welcome to our two new School Teachers. Joan Wyatt comes to us from Kirkland Lake and Evelyn Orlando from Sault Ste. Marie. There is probably no point in beating around the bush about the fact that if we continue to maintain or better our present mill-wide accident frequency rate, by the end of the year we may have earned a National Safety Council "Certificate of Ach- ievement,." ) 20 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER I5, I955 Winners of last week's safety slogan, '"Horseplay Can End in Tragedy" were: Alec MacDonald, P, Stuart, C. MacDonald, B, Hayes, P, LeBlanc, Mrs, M. McCausland, Judy McCausland, Betty Austin, R. Vincent and T. Papineau. With over one hundred in attendance the Annual Windup of the Terrace Bay Amateur Softball Association held last Friday evening in the Terrace Bay Arena was hailed as one of the most successful events as well as a perfect ending to the softball season, President Peter E, Mazza serving as Master of Ceremonies for the presentation programme after welcoming the guests call- ed upon Post Master W.E, Cavanaugh Rsoreation Association mem- ber to present the Pennant Award to Manager Al Ziegelman of Shift #3. Following this, Chairman of the Terrace Bay Recrea- tion Association, M.0. Nelson presented the Fraser-Brace Trophy to Manager Ray Belliveau and his championship Shift #4 team, What had been held as a tight secret from the time of its decision to the moment of its announcement, the League's Most Valuable Player award presented to Alf Adrian of Shift #3 and accepted by his manager Al Ziegelman was acclaimed with a loud oration when President Mazza made this award public. Also held in deep seoret was the President's Award to the Rookie of the Year, When Président Mazza made known this award in presenting the trophy to young Maurice Ogmar, the attendants cheered unanimous approval on the selection made, I5 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER I5, I960 A government sponsored Fire Training School has been in pro- gress all summer at Gravenhurst, Ontario, giving weekly courses to representatives of Fire Departments from all parts of the province, Mr. Syd Naylor, a regular fireman and Mr. Stan Hodgkiss, a volunteer, attended this school the week of August 29th-Sept. 2nd, They report a highly informative session with intensive study and plenty of practice in the latest fire fighting meth- ods and are to be congratulated on attaining honors in the fin- al tests, Graduation certificates and orests will be presented by the Terrace Bay Fish and Game Club to fifteen local boys who have successfully completed their Hunter Safety Training Program, Sharon MacDonald celebrated her ninth birthday last Wednes- day afternoon with the assistance of seven girlfriends, Games were played and sa birthday supper enjoyed before they all left for home with party favors, Stork Club: Born to Mr, and Mrs, John Falzetta of Terrace Bay, a son, on September IIth., Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Mac- Fadyen of Schreiber, a son on September IIth., Born to Mr, and Mrs, D. Biloski, of Terrace Bay, a daughter on September IOth. Born to Mr, and Mrs. R., Roffey, of Schreiber, a son on Septem~ ber 8th, Specials this week - Butter, Maple Leaf 2 lbs. $1.33; Flour, Robin Hood, 7 1b, bag 574; Eggs, Maple Leaf, Small, 2 doz. 83¢; Steaks, Round, Sirloin, T-Bone 65¢ per 1lb,; Prime Rib Roast, Rolled 59¢ per 1lbs,.; Chuck Roasts, 33¢ lb.; Side Bacon, by the piece, 49g 1b, I0 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 16, 1965 Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Company Limited has announ- ced that approximately $700,000. will be spent to install centri-cleaning equipment in the Terrace Bay Mill. 0/C Paul J. Heenan of Terrace Bay, has successfully com pleted the Basic Training Course at RCAF Station Centralia, Ont, 0/C Heenan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J, Heenan, Word has been received by Diané Paulsen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Paulsen of Terrace Bay, that she has been awarded a $500, Deminion Provincial Type A Bursary, granted by the Department of Education. Diane was alss the winner of a $2,000, Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd. Scholar= ship. continued page 5 assssss2zcasa ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 your week ahead sv tr aw. nami Forecast Period: September 21 to September 27 Curb the urge to give advice on affairs of the heart. The romantic mischief of an associate has little to do with you. By way of letter, phone call or third party, you'll learn about the deeds of an old com- panion...whose motives and actions you never could comprehend. Someone nearby has done a little mind reading. Apparently, you have tipped your hand by word or gesture. In other words, one of your deepest secrets will be exposed. Your present circumstances will not permit self pity. Whether or not you are aware of it, your in better material position than most people. Think about it. There's danger in the belief that soft lights and sweet music works miracles with the opposite sex. There's a mysterious magnetism that is, truly, the determining factor. You won't be in the mood to accept criticism, constructive or otherwise. Anyway, stand by for an unsolicited opinion that comes from an envious source. This week, the proper handling of money won't be one of your stronger points. Obviously, you must not make a major purchase, especially on a long term basis. You'll be in contact with someone who will not reveal their hidden past. Bluntly, it's not the time to make new friends. Keep to yourself as much as possible. Misinformation and half truths about a mem- ber of the opposite sex, seems to be in the scheme of things. Meaning? Don't become in- volved by listening to, or repeating what you hear. Things should go smoothly at your job, task or project. As a matter of fact, you can expect help and encouragement from unexpected sources. Hiding your shortcomings from others is one thing. . .try to kid yourself about your ability is something else. Don't attempt a project you cannot handle! Someone you have associated with, will take a sudden disliking to you. Why? You'll never know! Anyway, don't worry about it.