PAGE 18 TERRACE BAY NEWS . SEPTEMBER 17, 1975 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE $2.00 (25 words and under) $2.25 (if charged) 5¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR SALE - One 4 month old wringer washer "G.S.W. Spiralator" excellent condition, like new, white, asking price $150.00, Please enquire at Kragros Trailer Park, Schreiber after 5p.m. FOR SALE - one pair of Fischer silverglass skies, Salomon STH bindings, mounted, and one pair of Humanic ski boots, sixe 7+. Phone 825-3683. . FOR SALE - Stove, refrigerator, Hoover washing machine, kit- chen suite, RCA color Television, Phone 825-3342 anytime. FOR SALE - property on.3I0 Manitoba Street - business loc- ation - with building. Write : William Schmidt, 90 Gurnett Ste, Aurora, Ont, L4G IPS, FOR SALE - I972 Chevy half ton, Best offer. Phone Custom Floorcovering at 229-0447, FOR SALE - 1972 Camper trailer, sleeps six, stove, heater, gas lamp, Can be seen at 308 Newman Street, Phone 824-2753, HOUSE FOR SALE - 535 Lakeview Drive, Terrace Bay. Phone 705-560-2604, LOT FOR SALE - on Bayview Street, 50'xI50%, Phons 824-2420, WANTED TO BUY - Vacation property, lot or acreage, patented or lease with or without buildings on or near Lake Superior in the Marathon-Terrace Bay area, Write: Mr, B. Franklin, P.0. Box 94, Marathon, Omt. WANT YOUR GUNS READY FOR HUNTING: Contact your local gun smith, John Campbell, Rossport, Ont. Call 82l-22i5, WANTED - babysitter five days a week. Phone 825-3347, NOTICE - as of Sept, 30th Terrace Taxi will no longer re- side at I3I Poplar Crescent, Any inquiries into taking it over Phone 825-3697, Thank you to the people of Terrace Bay Schreiber and Rossport and Pays Plat, Jack and Alice Yates, BABYSITTER NEEDED- Women to look after two young girls one or two days a week in Terrace Bay. Phone 825-9995, BORM 'S ORNAMENTAL RAILING - 824-2172, For free estimate call: SALES & SERVICE - Heintzman, Sherlock Manning and Lesage pianos, Hammond Orgasms, benches, tuning, sales and servics, Contact : A. Almos, Morrow Pianos, Box 8, Terrace Bay, Ont, WANTED - person to do interesting and renumerative work completing insurance reports in this area, One to two hours dally. Apply to: P.0. Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ont. NOTICE = The private road to the Lake Superior Pumphouse will be closed to the public dus to Terrace Heights sub- division development work, Kimberly Clark of Canada, Pulp and Ferest Products Division, MARY?!S FLOWER SHOP - will be closed from September 15th - 27th. PHOTO COPYING I mn. dodick FOR ALL YOUR .0. AND OPTOMETRIST COMMERCIAL Ad PRINTING CONTACT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 FOR YOUR SAFETY ZAP'S AUTO GLASS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 145 WINNIPEG ST., SCHREIBER, ONT. PHONE 824-2639 - 825-3335 ib INSURANCE LIS wif SpE AGENT 1972 SAW 189,494 TOTAL COLLISIONS IN CANADA SCHREIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 824-2666 TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 Flower Shop being clos- NOTICE =~ Due to Mary's ed September I5th to 27th, Terrace Bay New's subsoribers who usually pick up their paper from Mary can pick them up at the Bay for this period, A : § CAA & AAA APPROVED FAMILY RATES SET WELL BACK FROM HIGHWAY "On Ground Level Only" CABLE & COLOR TV - ELECTRIC HEAY YEAR ROUND COMMERCIAL RATES wotmene 894-2501 IF_BUSY CALL 824-2800