SEPTEMBER 10, 1975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 "A FAIR DEAL FOR NORTHERNS!" The Liberal Party in Ontario, - states Leader Robert Nixon, is determined to get a fair deal for northerns. The Liberal Party is the only party which has made Northern Ontario one of its priorities, and the Liberal Party is the only alternative to the Davis goverment at the present time. The Liberal Party's commitments to Northern Ontario are spelled out in the CAMPAIGN '75 BULLETIN mailed out to every household. Some aspects of the program for Northern Ontario are -- upgrading northern roads and highways; relocating the Ministry of Natural Resources' head office in the north; reducing the tax on gasoline by 5 cents; initiating an income tax credit for northerns to offset higher costs of living in the north; increasing housing starts, and promoting serviced land. These are some of the things planned especially for FEN ORTHERN ONTARIO NEEDS A POWER A AT QUEEN'S PARK POWER, THE MAN: Born January I, 1942, he was raised and educated in Montreal and Ottawa. Hav- ing lived in both cultures, he is bilingual and presently tegches secondary school. POWER, THE LIBERAL: He joined the Liberal Party in I950. He worked on many candidates' campaigns and eventually rose to be a campaign mana- ger and President of Ontario Young Liberals His energy, dedication and political know- how are beyond question. POWER, THE CITIZEN: : He is very active in municipal poli~- tics and community service work. Michael, among other things, sits on the Geraldton Planning Board, and has been Deputy-Govern- or for the Kinsmen Clubs of Thunder Bay District. In his busy schedule, he finds time to produce a weekly show for cable television, of which he is the host. POWER, THE NORTHERNER: Having established himself in the Nor- th six years ago, Michael is committed to living in, and working for the betterment of Northern Ontario. WE CANNOT AFFORD ANOTHER DAVIS GOVERNMENT! POWER, Michael | (A