PAGE 22 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 4, I975 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE $2.00 (25 words and under) $2.25 (if charged) 5¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE ms vif RZ €22€¢ AGENT 1972 SAW. 189,494 TOTAL COLLISIONS IN CANADA SCHRE FIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 824-2666 FOR SALE - stove, refrigerater, table and chairs, black and white T.V., small rocking chair and other miscellansous items, I97I 6 cylinder Maverick. Phone 824-2326, BORGO'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS --For free estimate call: 82k 2172 LOCATED IN SSHREIBER - completely renovated 3 bedroom 2 storay home on a 50: x I25 ft. lot with garage. Featuring new wall-to-wall carpet in living room and dining room, Hot water heating system with new base board heaters. Price' $30,900500, Cell collect Thunder Bay: Ray Meadows 683-8576 representing Meadows Realty. WANTED TO BUY = Vacation property, lot or acreage, patented or lease with or without buildings on or near lake Superior in the Merethon-Terrace Bay area. Write: Mr. B. Franklin, P.O. Box 94, Marathon, Ont. WANTED ~ Apartment to rent in Schreiber, semi-furnished, Phone 82U-26Lk, Furnished or WANTED TO RENT - One or two bedroom apartment in Schreiber or Terrace Bay (preferably). Furnished or unfurnished. Contact: Pauline Desgroilliers, 825-3802 between 5 peme and I0 pem. WANTED TO BUY - I80 - 225 amp welder. Call: F.A. Helmink Phone 825-3329. WANTED - home for male kitten, house broken. Phone 825-3320 LOST - Red hand made wallet. Valuable souvenir.and key enclosed, Finder may keep money but please return wallet to: Jos Mousseau, Box 392, Terrace Bay or phone 825-3310. NOTICE - Dr. Notwell's Dental Office will be closed from Thursday, September lth until Monday, September I5th inclusive, ALANON - Alanon Family Group. Public enquires welcome. Write: Box hi, Schreiber or attend meetings held Mondays 8 pem. at Schreiber Public School Art Room. SALES AND SERVICE - Heintzman, Sherleck Manning and Lesage Pianos, Hammond Organs, benches, tuning sales and service, Contact: A, Almos, Morrow Planos, Box 8, Terrace Bay, Ont. URGENTLY REQUIRED - News reporter to cover events in Terrace bay. Contact: Terrace Bay News 825-3747. NOTICE - Mary's Flower Shop will be closed from September I5th to 27th. Middle Age Middle age in this country is now 27.7. Half the population is older than that, and half younger. YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT JAMES P. MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 BIRCH GROVE MOTEL D.A.A. APPROVED @ Group and Family Rates 3I6 Walker Street, ® Daily and Weekly Rates Schreiber, Ontario. ® Cable T.V. = Plug Ins ® Fully modern kitchens 82¢ -2800 FOR YOUR SAFETY IAPS AUTO GLASS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 145 WINNIPEG ST., SCHREIBER, ONT. PHONE 824-2639 - 825-3335 - } Y our Funnybone He who laughs often, laughs best. He actually lives longer and stays healthier, according to scientists who have found that laughter has a profound effect on virtually every important organ of the human body. Laughter is good for the glands and nervous system, too. The lungs are ven- tilated, the glands of the neck and throat get exercise, the supra- renals are stimulated and pour a little pep into the system. The heart also get a needed rhyth- mic and salubrious bouncing. EEE 3 1g 3 ph on wn tn om ON 8 CAA & AAA APPROVED FAMILY RATES SET WELL BACK FROM HIGHWAY "On Ground Level Only" CABLE & COLOR TV - ELECTRIC HEAT YEAR ROUND COMMERCIAL RATES. HWY 17 NW wanes 894.2501 IF_BUSY 824-2800 CALL {