PAGE 1I6 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 4, 1975 Twins - Donna and Danny Borutski. INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below, addressed to the Office Mana- ger, Public Works, Canada, 540 W. Arthur Street, Thunder Bay "g" Ontario, PIE 5R7, and endorsed with the project name, will be received until 11:00 a.m. on the specified closing date. Tender documents can be seen or obtained through the office of the Office Manager, Public Works, Canada, 540 W. Arthur Street, Thunder Bay "FY, Ontario. SERVICE Terrace Bay, Ontario - Post Office Building - Interior Cleaning and Grounds Maintenance. CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY, 18 September 1975 Enquiries: Telephone 577-6444 INSTRUCTIONS To be considered each tender must be sub- mitted on the forms supplied by the Depart- ment. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Miss B.E. Childs Office Manager Thunder Bay, Ontario August 27, 1975 Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279 hosted the inaugur- al meeting of Rebekah Assembly of Ontario District 4I Association in Schreiber on Sat- urday, July I2th. Twelve Lodge representativ -es and thirty visitors were present. A buffet lunch preceeded the meeting. Mrs. Marian Young, Immediate Past District Deputy President presented Mrs. Gladys Hamil- ton, District Deputy President with the Coll- ar of her Office. Mrs. Beth Macadam was elected District Secretary. Routine business followed. Mrs. Hamilton presented Mrs. Young with her P.D.D.P. Jewel on behalf of those present Mrs. Hamilton announced the dates of Instal- lation of Officers for the 1974-75 term as follows: October 8th - Ruby Lodge, October I4th - Top- az and Amethyst Lodges jointly. ; October 2Ist Greenstone Sapphire and Agate Lodges jointly. Ruby Rebekah Lodge served a noon luncheon to a bus load of forty-two young people and three leaders and the bus driver enroute to' the United Nations, New York. This was the 26th Annual Odd Fellows' United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth. As these Educational Bus Tours travel across the great North American Continent the young peo- ple have an opportunity to increase their education and to witness 0dd Fellows and Re- bekahs at work. By accommodating the young people with meals and lodging we are showing the young people that we are concerned about the youth of our country, as they are the future lead- ers of tomorrow. The young people on this tour represented the States of Idaho and Washington and also representatives from B.C., Alberta, Saskatch- ewan and Manitoba. - continued page I7 ..... wen LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL HELP REQUIRED 1 PART TIME JANITRESS FOR TERRACE BAY CAMPUS Send applications in writing to: Mrs. R. Mulligan, P.O. Box 548, Terrace Bay, Ontario.