mr Public Library Terrace Bay, Ont. TERRACE BAY NEWS VOL... 78 ANO. 3I AUGUST 7, I975 20¢ PER COPY The Thunder Bay District Home for the Aged monthly Board meeting which was held on Friday, July 25, I975 was highlighted by the attendance of the three former Board members and their wives. » These formers members plagues by Fred Harness, Pictured above from left Gordon Waghorn, Mr. Fred Symington and Mr. Joseph Morgan. Mr. Harness presented the plaques and con- gratulated the men on their years of service. Both Mr. Symington and Mr. Waghorn were Board members when the Board was first formed in were presented with Chairman of the Board. to right are: Mr. Harness, Mr. James 'I965 and, Mr. Morgan has served three years as a Board member. After the presentation and pictures, they sat down to a delicious dipner in the dining room at Pinewood Court. Mr. Symington thanked the Board and reminis- ced about the years spent with the Board and his satisfaction with the end result, and hav- ing two Homes which the Communities and Provin- ce are very proud. continued PAGE 2 .seevee U.P.I.U LOCAL 665 AND KIMBERLY-CLARK REACH INTERIM AGREEMENT Four hundred workers at Kimberly-Clark's Terrace Bay mill-Monday endorsed their nego- tiating team's recommendation to postpone strike action in light of an interim agree- 'ment having been reached. Frank Talarico, a spokesman for Local 665, United Paperworkers International Union (UPIU (UPIU), said the decision was made because the company agreed "to put into effect, re- troactive to May I, I975, all the items which have been agreed to in the negotiations." Included is an interim wage adjustment of 50 cents hourly and a cost-of-living escala- tor clause bringing the workers an extra nine cents per hour retroactive to July I, the union spokesman said. The union last week voted overwhelmingly in favor of striking the mill, but the com= pany called the men back to the bargaining table, where talks resumed last Friday. Negotiations towards a final contract will reconvene no later than November Ist. Re- gardless of what happens there, the pact, for two years, will expire April 30, I977. Also among the benefits the UPIU workers receive through the interim package is a dental care plan paid for by the company and an improvement in the vacation plan. Workers will have four weeks vacation annually after I3 years' experience, and five weeks after 22 years. Shift differentials have also been incre- ased by five cents an hour to 20 and 25 cents Prior to the talks, the base rate for workers at the mill was $4.83 an hour, Mr. Talarico said. :