JUNE"'25, 1975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 LADIES AUXILIARY DONATE TO HOSPITAL The general meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary '0 the Legion Branch #223 was held on Monday, une I6th. Minutes of the executive meeting and the ay meeting were read, followed by the Treasur- ¢r's report. Correspondence and thank you not- es were read. A motion was passed that we increase the fee of our banquets, dinners, etc. to cover the rising food prices. A suggested date was made for our Birthday party in the fall. Addie Beaulieu stated everything was ready for Senior Citizens night June ISth. The, highlight of the evening was when we invited Jerry Nagorski and Carol Hansen to our meeting. Jean Megraw presented a cheque of $I2I0.45, proceeds from the hockey pools to Jerry for the McCausland Hospital Building Fund RED DOG INNS Terrace Bay: +... 825-3286 Marathon ...... 229=1213 / Red Lake ...... 727-2858 Fort Frances .. 274-7721 Thunder Bay (Alpine) 577-6426 «cee ee RESERVATION CENTRE (807) 577-6426 TELEX 073-4360 President, Dot Koski presented a cheque for $100.00 to Carol Hansen for the Boy Photos by A. Beaulieu. Scouts. The meeting adjourned for the summer recess. The next meeting will be September 29th. : nL & CHILDREN PLAYING! 1 - STRAND THEATRE TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-5771 FRIDAY&SATURDAY 7 & 9 P.M. SUNDAY 8:30 P.M, 'Screanpiay by STEPHEN F VERONA - GATLE GLECKLER MARTIN wc comooned aranged and conducted by JO¢ COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents AVERONA DAVIDSON Production 1 HE | ORDS, OF OF FLATBUSH VERONA - OLUMBIA PICT! COLUMBIA PCT nc AOSON Thu. 26 Fri. 27 Sat. 28 THE Sun. 29 Mon. 30 Ph Century Fom presents LOUIS DE FUNES AGERARD C1IRY FILM THE MAL AL, FIT Screenplay by GERARD OURY and DANIELE THOMPSON. Prochced by BERTRANE JAA i COLOR PRINTS BY DE (UXE® "MARVELOUSLY, UPROARIOUSLY FUNKY! FOR LAUGHING OUT LOUD, YOU'VE JUST GOT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!" ---Gene Shalit. WNEC-TV MAD AnvENTy RESOF RA ACR foi) vex ted by (JE RARD OURY These girls all have one thing in common. They have been attacked and violated. THE STORY oF THE RAPE SQUAD! JO ANN HARRIS - PETER BROWN coon oy MaviecAB a aMERican InTeawaTIONAL PcTune "88 oy Wed. 2