TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 23,::1975 N THE NEWS THIS WEEK G0 - APRIL 20, 1950 ra-modern new Imperial Bank building opened its business on Monday, April 17th, thus another step ompleted towards the locating of all the Community ight in the Townsite. In contructing the bank, no ) been spared to make it a really grand building. le and out it is most certainly a credit to the and the Bank authorities are to be congratulated effort. sre well underway for the Racquet Club Cabaret Forecast Period: April 27 to May 3 Many favors are heading your way. There's a hid- 19 den disadvantage in having things come, too easily. You might misread the motives behind your helping "friends." Most members of your sign will be working on 0 their physical appearance, in order to appeal to the opposite sex. Also, Taurians will become, emotionally, sensitive. You'll receive overtures that you would do well to 20 ignore. Otherwise, you'll be led down the garden path by a fast talker that wants to give you the world. D Solitude, seems to be in the scheme of things. At 22 least, you should avoid- social activities. The reason? You'll be imposed upon, heavily. ; Your project might begin to lag. Furthermore, 99 tricks with the opposite sex might not be too good. * An older person holds the solution. ; Someone wants to lend you a hand and give you ie" some "good"' advice; like the guy who taught his neighbor's parrot to say, "here Kitty, kitty, kit- ty!" You, Libra, without censcious design, might 23 become part of someone else's love triangle. Take care, your own relationship with a member of the opposite sex might be affected, adversely. Keep busy with tasks at hand. Apparently, you're 21 inclined to spend too much time on thoughts about members of the opposite sex. Anyway, new romantic ventures will be unproductive. US Remember, only, under certain conditions can a 21 "little white lie" function as well as the truth. This week, someone will challenge your veracity and accuracy. N Your hand holds the jackpot lever. All you need 19 do is--pull! Big breaks are heading your way, whether you take advantage of an opportunity--is up to you. There are times when you lack a sense of logic, 18 totally. As you might have guesses, this week happens to be one of those times. Please, control your emotions. Good, in fact, excellent emotional stability . 20 dominates this week's cosmic cycle. If necessary, you'll take sarcasm and criticism, well. Inciden- tally, your attitude might surprise the opposite sex. ITY PROFILE Sign Analysis, send the day, month, year and place of birth, pius tage and handling to Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. O. Box 12766, , Florida 33733. 15 YEARS AGO - APRIL 21, 1960 Dance which promises to be the best in the history of Terrace Bay. The Club Norman in Toronto, or the Flame in Duluth won't be able to hold a candle to the Racquet Club Cabaret Dance. Tickets will be $3.00 per couple and this will incl- ude two free "refreshment tickets"..... Lockie lalonde came close to being the only resident to make a perfect score on the Bowling Alleys when he rolled a 426 game. Lockie rolled 11 consecutive strikes and a spare on the last frame. Hearty congrats - ole boy. 20 YEARS AGO - APRIL 21, 1955 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Helmink with Francis and Linda have returned from a ten day holiday in Saskatoon, Sask. visiting with Francis! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Helmink. A surprise Baby Shower was held at the home of Virginia Galvin in honour of Mrs. Doreen Kurylo. Mrs. lois Hopper returned home on Sunday from her trip to Toronto where she was a delegate to the Ontario Federation of Home and School Convention. Mickey and Janie Valiquette travelled to Eganville for their Easter holidays. Kap gets Brady; we get the Goat: A farewell dinner will be held Friday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m. in Hotel Terrace. Following is the slate of officers for the C.W.L.: Pres.- Mrs. J. Semeniuk; lst Vice-Pres. - Mrs. S. Todd; 2nd vice- Pres. - Mrs. K. Anderson, 3rd Vice-Pres. - Mrs. R. Clifford; Seoretary - Mrs. E. Falzetta and Treasurer - Mrs. V. Slattery. STORK CLUB: Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Pinion of Schreiber, a son, on April 13th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. Bourguignon of Schreiber, a daughter, on April llth. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Wurfel of Schreiber, a daughter, on April 10th. Weekend Specials: Ground Beef - 39¢/1b. Imported Head Lettuce - 2 heads - 43¢. Smart's Choice Tomatoes - 20 oz tin - 5/$1.00. Good Luck Margarine - 1 1b. pkg. - 3/89¢. ~The Legion Auxiliary held their Annual Spring Tea in the Town hall last Saturday and the balmy weather helped to make the occasion a very successful affair. General Convenor, Mrs. W. Lidkea, was assisted by Mrs. W. Olson. Serving salad plates and tea at the individual tables were Mesdames W. Fur- longer, W. Christie, A. Nykanen, C. Pearson, P. Pegoraro, R. Bedard, A.C. Riglesford, W. Olson, E. Swanson and E. MoCouan. 10 YEARS AGO - APRIL 22, 1965 C.P.R. Rail Service Resumed after the washout which occured on the C.P. line just east of Terrace Bay causing the derail- ment of the Canadian. Over thirty people were treated at the : Terrace Bay Hospital, thirteen were admitted. STORK CLUB: Born to Mr. and Mrs, G. Mertin of Terrace Bay, on April 6th, a son. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Gaudet of Ter- race Bay, on April 6th, a daughter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Qui- seppe Costa of Schreiber, on April 11th, a daughter. The baptismal font, donated by the United Church Women to St. Andrews Church, in memory of the late Rev. R.A. Crook, was dedicated at the Sunday service. Paulette Boudreau is home from St. Joseph's College in North Bey visiting her family, Mr. and Mrs. Den Boudreau. Joe Dorland is home from Pickering College in Newmarket, to spend the Easter vacation with his family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Dorland. Home for the Easter vacation fromNorthwood High School, in Fort William are Jacqueline Yates, Pat Kennedy and Grant Solly to visit their respective families. Sonny Helmink is home from Christian Brothers Junior Boys College in Scar- boro to spend Easter with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Francia Helmink. Bruce Rapke of Toromto is home for two weeks visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Repke. Donna Fedorak erriv- ed from Transcona, Man. to visit with her family, Mr. and Mrs Steve Fedorak over the Easter vacation. Jean Hopper, student nurse from the General Hospital in North Bay wes home with her family Mr. and Mr.s Vern Hopper over Easter. Janice Gros! and Holly Berndtsson have returned from the Lakehead Teach- ers College to spend the vacation visiting their families. continued page 5 cccecccccsscce, EE