TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY I9, I975 IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK AGO - FEBRUARY I7, I955: Pulp and Paper Company is pleased to announce that ts have been completed whereby Company employees se the house in which they reside with a minimum nt of I0% of the sale price and will be allowed a 15 years to complete payment. 4 visitors last weekend 4ncluded the Crandlemires, mpano, F. Sweet, R. Cotton and R, Pickard. NEWS ¢ Tn one of the best games seen in Terrace eagon the Superiors in IO minutes of overtime on » week ahead sv or. aw. oamis r. 19 y 20 ne 20 LD ly 22 1g. 22 pt. 22 ct. 22 wv. 21 RIUS ec. 21 RN an. 19 us. eb. 18 [ar. 20 Forecast Period: February 23 to March 1 It would be a good idea to do some fence mending. Most persons of your sign have been taking a member of the opposite sex--for granted. You might be surprised! An associate's over friendliness will be a subtle manipulation, in disguise. Think twice about motives and reasons behind the scene. Don't pull chestnuts from the fire. For those under your sign unattached, this would be an excellent time to look around.- Romance opportunity should be bountiful. You'll be persuasive in affairs of the heart. You are entering a period when it's time to put a check rein on your feelings. Actually, an associates' indifference and carelessness will provoke you. A variety of problems with someone younger than yourself, shows in your chart. You might not believe so--nonetheless, cruelty is the major cause. Not that you haven't been told, hear or read about it happening to other people... money, or the lack of it, is going to do strange things to you. Decided right now, you're not going to get your own way, this week. Whatever you do, don't take on a project that requires cooperation and teamwork. You might try being realistic toward overtures that will come your way. Someone is attempting to throw you off balance in your job, task or project. . Don't borrow personal articles. Also, avoid lending same. According to your chart, there seems to be a bizarre penalty for borrowing or lending valuables. Well now. a close associate is, secretly, thinking in terms of changing residence. Checking into it, you will find the change will, definitely, affect your future. Contrary to what you have been told in the past, it's not wise to be tactful or diplomatic at all times. So, take a stand against a trouble making associate. It's showdown time for you. See that you air a grievance that has definitely bogged down your job, task or project. ALITY PROFILE yn Sign Analysis, send the day, month, year and place of birth, plus postage and handling to Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. O. Box 12766, urg, Florida 33733. Saturday night defeated Ceraldton Goldminers 4.3, Thompson in the Geraldton net was practically unbeatable as he stopp- ed the Superiors repeatedly especially the rink length rushes of Moro. In the overtime stanza the Superiors scored the only goal oredit going to Bond and although Geraldton took | Thompson out of the net with 40 seconds left to play they | were unable to beat Weaver as the game ended. i House league hockey point parade: Kurylo 25, Cote 25, Waghorn 19, Hall I7, MoNally 16, MacDonald I5, Legault IN, Merostica Ii, E. Belliveau I2. I5 YEARS AGO - FEBRUARY 18, 1960: Council Quotes: Tenders for clearing of lakeview Drive to Superior Avenue were opened and contract awarded to Messrs. Hermes and Matush. Susan Graham held a toboggen party Saturday afternoon to celebrate her ninth birthday. STORK CLUB: Born to Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Birmingham, Schrei- ber, a girl on February 11th; to Mr. and Mrs. K.G. Davis, 1 Schreiber, a girl on February IIth; to Ir. and Mrs. Cornell Schreiber, a son on February 9th; to Mr. and Mrs. W. Klug of Terrace Bay, a son on February 8th. Miss Pat Romanuk was crowned as Miss Superior and the two princesses were Sharon Marquis and Judy Thomas. The Terrace Bay Hockey Club wishes Pat every success in the forthcoming Miss North Shore Hockey League Contest. i WEEKEND SPECIALS - Hamburger 3 1bs/$1.00; Fresh Eggs, : Grade A large - in cartons - 2/77¢; Birdseye Orange Juice - - 6 oz. tin - 2/414. -- 1 10 YEARS AGO - FEBRUARY IB, 1965: Highlight of the Schreiber High School winter carnival the orowning of Miss Donna Eaton as Carnival Queen and Daryl-lynn Weaver and Sandra Clemens as Princesses. A surprise party was held Sunday afternoon for Joan Per- | sson as she celebrated her eleventh birthday. Heather Lafontaine's rink won the Terrace Bay ladies k Curling Club Championship, defeating eleven other rinks in a double round robin. With Heather were Vivian Gresdal , third Audry Smith, second and Marg Knight, lead. | In the Men's Club, Lou Duquette rink won the Soughton E Trophy. Others on the Duquette rink were Curly Hale, third; Ken MacLeod, second; and Donald Teniuk, lead. 4 = he if i 5 YEARS AGO - FEBRUARY I9, 1970: | The Ontario Forestry Association announced that Kimberly- Clark of Canada Limited has been declared winner of its Litter-Pickin! Pete Award for I969 in recognition of its anti-litter campaign across Canada. | $1 ¥ O'Keefe mixed curling playdowns held in Terrace Bay. : Sim pson of Port Arthur came out on top. His team was awarded silver trays by Morey Hamilton, District Manager of O'Keefe. Simpson now goes to Sault Ste. Marie to represent Northwest- ern Ontario in the Northerns. | I YEAR AGO - FEBRUARY 20th, I97h: | Council Quotes - the Strand Theatre owner requested in a letter permission to hold Sunday movies on a trial basis. Council approved the matter and passed a resolution to the | effect, stating that it would be reviewed after six weeks, ! with the owner of the theatre. | Mery Clara Coupal was the guest of honour at a Bridal | Shower held in the Community Church Hall on Friday night, | February ISth. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W. Slater, Schreiber, are pleased to announce the engagement of their only daughter Dorothy Lilian, to Mr. William James Martell of Thunder Bay. rr NOTICE OF MEETING - The Chimo Senior Citize Club will hold a Valentine party and pot- luck lunch Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.