DECEMBER 18, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 CREDIT UNION 24TH ANNUAL MEETING F.V. Harness presided for the 24th Annual Meeting of the C.P.R. Employees (Schreiber) Credit Union, attended by some fifty members. First on the agenda was a minute's silence in tribute to recently deceased members - J.G. Armstrong and E.P. Kelly. Minutes of the last annual meeting were ad- "opted as read by Mrs. Joyce Gilmore. Mr. Harness said, due to the increase in local business, changes and improvements in the office system, and supplies, the voluntary part-time service was no longer adequate and a full time secretary must be employed. C.M. Baillie, president, gave the Board of Directors report. W.T. Wallace, manager-trea- surer, presented the financial satement, say- ing the books had been audited and found corr- ect by Norman Wilson, Regional Examiner, Minis-| try of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Thun- der Bay. After considerable discussion, three motions . were adopted: setting 9 3/4% interest on shar-| es; 12% interest on loans, the present rate being lower than any other finance corporation; authority was given the Board of Directors to apply to the Government for permission to raise the loan interest to I2%, if necessary. A vo- te of appreciation was given the 1974 officers C.M. Baillie, R.B. Simon and R.W. Turner were elected to the Board of Directors for a three- year-term; Hobden Spikula, E.A. Niemi, Mrs. Inez McKevitt were elected to the Credit Com- mittee for a three-year-term; Cyril Sparkes, Alex Krystia and W.G. Wilson, were elected to the Supervisory committee for a three-year- term and Cryil Sparkes, W.T. Wallace and F.V. Harness were elected to the Delinquent comm- ittee. W.C. Tripp, local C.P. Rail Supt.,; the guest speaker, described his difficulty in deciding on a subject, - the obvious one, Railroading - How To Run One - immediately discarded, since all the men in the room knew how, - and most of the women thought they did too! Of the Credit Union affairs he only knew what he had learned tonight, complement- ing the officers on their efficiency. He amusingly recounted some of his recent experiences while attending a seminar on public speaking. He appealed to the employees at this time, when the C.P.R. is receiving so much criticism through various media, to be loyal to their Company, and read and be aware of the contribution the C.P.R. has made to th > £ - ; e growth of Canada continued page I8 .... Council wishes to express their appreciation to the people of Schreiber for their co-operation and support during the year. Especially with regard to the streets. 1974 has been a very busy and constructive year for the town, and 1975 promises to be an even busier year. continued co-operation and support. In this festive season we wish you a safe and happy holiday. A We hope for your H.J. MCPARLAND, REEVE, J.S. CACCAMO H.H. FISCHER G.H.R. KRAUSE COUNCILLORS N.A. MCCUAIG