DECEMBER 4, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 5 YEARS AGO - continued George Birch, who makes his last run with the CPR on Dec- ember first, coming in on The Canadian, was given a surprise stag by friends on Tuesday evening. George was met when he came in, and on a pretext, still in his working clothes, tak- en to the curling rink where the crowd had gathered. On Tuesday, November 25th, Mr. Morgan, the Director of Education, grade I3 students, their parents and teachers, met in the Schreiber High School gymnatorium for a discussion of "woluntary" attendance. Mr. Stewart reviewed the procedures that had teken place prior to the final decision, and then left the meeting open for discussion. I YEAR AGO - DECEMBER 5, 1973: Separate School Teachers Submit Resignations - Due to the recent word that the separate school teachers of Terrace Bay and Schreiber have submitted their resignations effective December 3I, 1973, the Terrace Bay News Office contacted Mr. Mike Anderson, Principal of St. Martin School and Mr. George Ramsay, Chairman of the School Board. Both these gentlemen stated they had releeses available which were printed in this issue. CBQ is the call sign for the new CBC radio station located at 2I3 Miles Street, Thunder Bay. CBQ will bs taking over twelve repeaters in Northwestern Ontaric including Terrace Bay and Schreiber beginning December I7th. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Weaver's home was filled with relation -8 and friends, coming with gifts and loving congratulations, when they entertained to mark their 50th wedding anniversary. The new executive of the Royal Canadian Legion ladies Auxiliary Branch 223 was installsd at their December Meeting. New executive are: President, Stella Cusul; First Vics-Pres.- Dot Koski; 2nd Vice ~- Audrey Smith; Treasurer, Jean Megraw; Office of Secretary will be chosen by the new executive. MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Ontario A number of public information sessions will be held in the Terrace Bay District to inform local residents about strategic land use planning in Northwestern Ontario. Meetings will be held at the following locations: Man i touwadge Recreation Centre: Wed.,Dec.4, at 7:30 p.m. Marathon Recreation Centre: Thurs.Dec.5,at 7:30 p.m. Terrace Bay , District Office: Friday, Dec.6,at 7:30 p.m. The sessions will consist of two parts: a presentation by Ministry staff, followed by a general discussion period. All interested persons are invited to attend and take part in the discussion. Lv J. Haas, District Manager Legion Auxiliary - continued from page 3 .... December I3th - Installation night, for incom- ing and outgoing executive. All members are invited for the installation ceremonies and social after. A donation was made to the Terrace Bay Association .Zone dinner was slated for Decem- ber 7th. Ever faithful John Falzetta chaired the elections which are as follows: Past President, Stella Gusul; President, Dot Koski; Ist Vice, Jeannette Gunter; 2nd Vice, Rose Mary Thorpe; Treasurer, Jean Megraw; Se- cretary, Dolly Sitko; Warden, Bea St. Louis; Ass't Warden, Lil Brassard; Membership, Mar- ion Pluta; Publicity, Dene Clancy; Sick and Visiting, Lil Belliveau; Ways and Means, Jessie Dodge; Social, Julie Rattray; Kitchen Stella Gusul; Sports, J. Gunter, Bookings, E. Knauff. Congratulations to all. Mrs. D. Gunter was given a vote of praise for the excellent job she did on organizing talent night. The highlight of the event was the visit of Coporal Clinger from MASH. The meeting ended with Madam President thanking her executive and members for the support of a very successful year. Mrs. .A. Beaulieau was the pot of gold winner. Lunch was served by Dot Ballentine and Aggie Paulsen. December meeting will be held on December 9th. VISIT THE RUSTIC ROSSPORT INN ROSSPORT, ONTARIO WINTER HOURS: ® Licensed Rooms Open from 4 - 10 P.M. dhdkiAdtdbtbbbtdtddtsdt ® Licensed Dining Room Specializing In: LAKE SUPERIOR TROUT - STEAK DINNERS DINING HOURS 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. ook doko oh ok ok ok ok Sho ok ok ok oF ok oF ok ob ® Sunday Hours =- 12 noon to 10 P.M. SATURDAYS | "FoPRra®IONS | NDAYS HOT A MUST ITALIAN CALL ; BUFFET inna FOOD Licensed Under L.L.B.O. "OPEN YEAR ROUND"