OCTOBER 23,:1974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 The Kinette Club of Schreiber donated TERRACE BAY NEWS a childrens scale to the McCausland Hospital " last week. In photo below Mrs. Mae MacLeod PUBLISHERS receives the scale from Kinette President FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE 'HOURS --- 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. MON. ~ FRI. MAILING ADDRESS - Box 579, PHONE 825-3747 DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON Monday of each week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per.year (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY EXECUTIVE MEETING Six members met at the home of Mrs. L. Hie- bert. Mr. Gerlach proposed a home project for the Junior Gardeners. Hopefully each junior ~gardener will receive crocus bulbs during the winter and in the spring there will be prizes for their effort. The winners of this year's trillium awards have been chosen and will be notified, by phone. The Annual Meeting's proposed date is November 22nd but in thé event of not being able to obtain the meeting room an alternate day of November 21st was chosen. The program for this meeting ought to be of interest to one and all. A short talk on how to grow a house plant will be given along with how to nurture good lawns. If there is anyone who would be interested in serving on the Society's Board of Directors, we would appreciate them calling any member of this years executive. The meeting was adjourned with a lovely lunch served by Mrs. Hiebert. Pam and Pat Jones had their nephew, David Elms and his fiancee Rosemary Heyter of High Cliff-on-Sea, England visiting with them last week. While in Canada David and Rosemary travelled to British Columbia and the North West Territories and are vacationing in Niagara Falls before returning to England. With the help of Mr. Ed Cavanaugh and Mrs. Ellen Hodgkiss we have been able to identify the members of the Recreation Com- mittee show in last weeks News from I954 - they are left to right - Monty Paget, Jim Fraser, Bert Landy, Ed Cavanaugh, Gordon Rollandson, Ozzie Delzel, Joe Adamo, Bill Borsum and Aggie Sinkins. Edythe Cosgrove. ~- Staff Photo STRAND THEATRE TERRACE BAY -- ONTARIO -- TELEPHONE 825--3771 SHOW TIMES - MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:00 P.M. TY FRIDAY&SATURDAY 7 & 9 P.M. Ao: : Hom CC HAMMERST] ; Ns SUNDAY 8:30 P.M. PE " {4 Wi E> y COLOR Re eteased by TWENTE CENA. RO tie 24 5.25 50.26 IT SLASHES! ~ I SMASHES! Tay IT RIPS YOU APART! IT'S THE BLOODIEST WEAPON OF THE MARTIAL ARTS! Sun. 27 Mon. 28 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SEE THE ORIGINAL PSYCHO' ALFRED UNCUT! THE VERSION TV HITCHGOCKS DULT ENTERTAINMENT Tue. 29 Wed. 30 agvn Foro NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED EXCEPT FROM THE VERY BEGINNING |