OCTOBER 23, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 23 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE $I.00 (25 words and under) $I.25 (if charged) BUSINESS DIRECTORY 3¢ PER sil i 25 FOR SALE - Upright Hoover Dial-a-Matic. Phone 824-2086, FOR SALE - 340 Alouette Racer in/xcellent condition. For further information phone 82l-2433. FOR SALE ~- Cord organ. Phone 825,5862 after 5 P.M. FOR SALE - Moto Ski snow machine, 2 inder, in good con- dition, $375.00; Hoover washer-spinidryer, 2 years old in good condition $70.00.; 500 feet of /5 inch heavy duty hose plastic hose, $25.00. Phone 824-7682. HOUSE FOR SALE - 4 bedrooms, 25 bathfooms, dining room, large living room with fireplace, Mirge kitchen and family room. Wall-to-wall carpeting thr out, Heated indoor swimming pool. Contact: Dr. MoDghald, 266I Dube Road, Sudbury, Ont. Phone 705-560-2604 or Contact: 825-3882. APARTMENT FOR RENT - Phofe 824-2172. APARTMENT FOR RENT - 3 roomg{ partly furnished, Ist floor, Phone 824-284 after 6 P.M WANTED - Apartment to rent for young married couple in Terrace Bay. Phone 825-3801, WANTED - good homes for two well thatned cites: Nice markings. Call 825-3510 after 4 P.M., CARD OF THANKS - The Association for the Mentally Retarded wish to thank everyone who donated make their Thanksgiving Tea a succefs. ~ Peggy Helmink CARD OF THANKS - T would like to xpress my sincere thanks to all my friends in Schreiber of Terrace Bay for the gift of money presented to me by Mrg, N. Smith end Mrs. Joe Campbell before leaving Schreiber. George Duncan, ANXIOUS TO BUY - marina, hunt p, or mobile home park or site. Write or call: Mr. Kangas, Box 27I, Willowdale, Ont. Phone (4I6) LLs-gos5k, Pianos, Hammond Organs, benches, tuning, sales and service. SALES AND SERVICE - Heintzman, onl Manning and Lesage Contact: Morrow Pianos, A. Almos, Béx 8, Terrace Bay, Ont. WANTED TO BUY - Freezer iy good condition. Phone 825-3860 after 5 P.M. FOR SALE - One pair Flegh skating boots only. Size 9, $25.00. Phone 825-3258, FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT ba can be arranged if 8. necessary. Phone 825-3 In Europe 3 ; they call us PaRTICIPACTION ¢ Canada Fats", The Canadian movement for personal fitness Fitness. In your heart you know it's right. FOR ALL YOUR 2 a I. Mm. dodick || ruoro corvine R.O .0. AND OPTOMETRIST = COMMERCIAL ® was PRINTING 1119 VICTORTA AVENUE CONTACT THE THUNDER BAY TERRACE BAY PHONE 622-7726 NEWS CAMERON K. BURGESS INSURANCE AGENT BOX 398 Bl HDSONDRIVE 825-3370 TERRACE BAY YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT JAMES P. MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY rd PHONE 825-3268 icles and time to help TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY PHONE: Terrace Bay 825-3335 Schreiber 824-2639 in Canada it's TILDEN RENT-A- CAR Rent-a-car CHEVROLET IMPALA RL EET o . SPADONI BROS. LTD. CALL LARRY AT 824-2304 sified geld. in US