OCTOBER I7, 1974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 23 Classified Ads BUSINESS DIRECTORY CARDS OF THANKS & ANNOUNCEMENTS MINIMUM CHARGE $I.00 (25 words and under) $I.25 (if charged) 3¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 yi FOR SALE - Good pair of snow tires, IS" rips, $30.00; 1. excellent bed, spring, mattress and dressér, full size 4 mirror, $75.00; I brand new set of lau tubs - never used $50.00; Phone 824-2II2 before I2 hoon and from 7 to II p.m. m. dodick FOR ALL YOUR PHOTO COPYING AND DP TONETR - COMMERCIAL PRINTING CONTACT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 HOUSE FOR SALE - 4 bedrooms, 25 bathrooms, dining room, large living room with fireplace, large kitghen and family room. Weall-to-wall carpeting throughout. /Heated indoor swimming pool. Contact: Dr, McDonald, 266I Dube Road, Sudbury, Ont. Phone 705-560-2604 or Contact: 825-3882. APARTMENT FOR RENT - Phong 824-2172. APARTMENT FOR RENT ~ Furnished. id rooms, Ist floor, Phone 824-2844 after 6 P.M. CAMERON K. BURGESS INSURANCE AGENT 81 HUDSON DRIVE WANTED - Apartment to rent for shine married couple in Terrace Bay. Phone 825-3801. WANTED - Good home for small breed puppies. Four (4) males, two (2) females. Phone 825-3370. WANTED FOR SALE - Second hand scordsans childrens size or WANTED TO BUY - I20 Bass Acordian. BOX 398 825-3370 TERRACE BAY Kenneth J Weppler INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE - FIRE -/CASUALTY = LIFE SIMCOE PLAZA - CREPIT UNION BUILDING TERRACE BAY HFHONE 825-3277 any other. Phone 825-356l. Phone - yh noon = 825-3745. HELP WANTED - Want to earn some extras money for Christmas. Plus, develop an established side line. products, are well known and established ang/now require a representative to sell our products in the/Town of Schreiber on a direct basis and or party plan, 1Idedl for housewife, semi-retired person or senior student. Nery good income, Training supplied. Big volume season. L For details call: Mr. Ross, collect 34li-222I am or eve. 577-I6U3 or write: y TERRACE BAY CLEANERS DRYCLEANING/& LAUNDRY PHONE: a in 825-3335 oS Watkins, 273 S. Algoma, St., Thunder Bay P, Ont. » ble for anyo HELP WANTED ~ Employment is presently aval interested in being the News-Reporter for For further information contact: Debbie He News Office 825-3747. rrace Bay. mink, Terrace Bay ANXIOUS TO BUY - Marina, hunt oun ae ame home park or site. Write or call: Mr, Kangas, 271, Willowdale, Ont. Ph (416) Lus-605L. / Schreiber 824-2639 : GENERAL Bruce Simon = 5: owes 507 Scotia Street, Schfeiber, Ontario REPRESENTING: Wawanesé Mutual - Royal Group and Cgnadian Surety P.O. Box 331 Phone 824-2562 CARD OF THANKS - I would like to express our/sincers appre- ciation to the Doctors and Staff of MoCaus Hospital, to all our friends who visited, phoned, sent gifts, flowers, and cards during our recent mishap. Youy thoughtfulness/ will always be remembered. : 2 ~- Maureen and Sandra Phillips, Susan Godin, v7. { FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT Meals oan be arranged if f Classified Ads stl! Ant the In Canada it's TICDEN Rent-a-car RENT-A- CAR CHEVROLET IMPALA SPAD I BROS. LT D. CALL VARRY AT 824-2304