PAGE I6 TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER I8, I974 W.I. News - continued from page I5 ........ RUBY REBEKAH NEWS cheer and birthday cards to senior citizens A special meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279 and rose bowls to sick members. will be held on September I9th. A dinner in Mrs. Todesco gave a full report of the Dir- | honour of Mrs. Grace Love, president of the ectors' meeting in Thunder Bay.' Rebekah Assembly of Ontario will precede the Members were asked to save certain cash re- | meeting, members wishing to attend are to not- ceipts to assist in the purchase of a projec- | ify Mrs. Beth Macadam. tor and screen for Pinewood Court. At this meeting the Lodge will also mark its Schreiber Branch conveners have been compli- 49th anniversary. mented on their excellent reports sent to These notices were given at the regular Sep- Area Officers. tember meeting of the Lodge, with Mrs. Gladys Members were pleased to accept and invita- Hamilton, acting as N.G. and Mrs. Mavis Slater tion from the Nipigon Women's Institute to P. Pres. as V.G. attend their meeting on October 9th. A visit Members regretted the death of former Chart- to Birchwood Terrace Home, in Terrace Bay will | er Member, William E. Smith, on September 2nd be arranged in the near future. in his 80th year, in Vancouver. Tickets were distributed to members to sell Mrs. Alice Farrow, who with Mrs. Helen Wall- for a cash draw. Permission was given to Mrs. | ace, attended the district meeting of the Lod- A.C. Parent to rent the institute dishes. ge gave an excellent report of it. . A tentative date of September 28th was set Mrs. Beth Macadam reported on the stop-over for the planned bus tour, with members to meet United Nations Bus Tour, when a hot dinner was at the town hall. served to the students and directors, and than Mrs. Eirene Harness arranged a penny auct- -ked the members who had worked, donated food, ion wich followed the meeting and a demonstra- | or money to the unquestioned success of the tion on making paper flowers given by Mrs. Wino event. nie Celemens. Lunch was served by Mrs. Todes- A letter of appreciation was read from the co and Mrs. Albert Yates: Chimo Club for the donation of equipment dur ing the year. door todoo canvass FOR CANADIAN ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM SOCIETY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1974 12:00 nooN TO 2:30 P.M, SPONSORED AND CONDUCTED BY MEMBERS OF ST. EDWARD'S KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL TERRACE BAY - SCHREIBER - ROSSPORT YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THIS WORTHWHILE CAUSE IS GREATLY APPRECIATED NG Pi iia RT CC RE rs un TON hy PRL