SEPTEMBER I8, 1974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I5 UaCW. BEGIN FALL SEASON Following the usual opening rites, Mrs. Beth Macadam, who presided, opened the Septem- ber 4th meeting of the United Church Women, Schreiber, by reading a poem "Silence". Mrs. Wesley Clemens agreed to fill out the term as secretary, replacing Mrs. Bern Whent who has moved away. Information was received regarding the annual Retreat at Loon Lake on September 21st, and any member wishing transportation was asked to contact Mrs. Macadam. Mrs. Myra Holmes and Mrs. Margaret Spillane were named conveners for the supply and social assistance committee now working the alloca- tion of used clothing to be sent to Thunder Bay in October . Mrs. Spillane reported sent cards during the summer recess and rose bow- 1s to sick members. A letter of appreciation was received from McCausland Hospital for a donation made which was used to purchase an over-bed table, and members agreed to purchase a tray set with water jug and glasses for the tables. Saturday, November 30th was set as the date for the Christmas tea and bazaar, with dona- tions of print material and sewing to be hand- ed in to Mrs. Annie Niemi, sewing convener. Mrs. Macadam reported on the Official Board 1974 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING tide FARM MACHINERY DEMONSTRATION SEPT. 24-28 W. T. CRAIG REID FARM GEORGETOWN HALTON COUNTY 'ELLO THERE, MARY ~ DONE ANYTHIN' meeting when Mrs. Whent, the chairman, tend- ered resignation, and was presented with a painting of a local scene in tribute to her years of service. At the same time, on behalf of the U.C.W. Mrs. Macadam presented a leather clutch bag with the good wishes of the U.C.W. Mrs. Nettie Thrower presented the finan- cial statement. The Women's Group, of Rossport Union Church will be guests at the next meeting on October 2nd, when there will be a guest speaker and social hour. Following the meeting, lunch was served by Mrs. Ann Etches and Mrs. Macadam. SCHREIBER WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEWS The Schreiber Women's Institute members answered roll call at their September IOth meeting by naming the favourite flower and reading a poem suitable for the month. Mrs. Anne Todesco presided. During the discussion of current event men- tion was made of the revised version of O Canada, the gradual rise in unemployment, and the impending rise of sugar prices. Mrs. Chris Morris gave the financial state- ment for the past two months. Mrs. Winnie Campbell reported sending cheer continued page I6 YER'VE GOT T' BE KIDDIN' -- I CANIT | REMEMBER THE LAST TIME ME 2) EXCITIN' LATELY? GRY USBAND EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES OVER 300 EXHIBITS ON 100 ACRES OVER $20,000 IN PRIZES FOR 300 COMPETITORS AND THE CANADIAN PLOWING CHAMPIONSHIP Contact Ontario Plowmen's Association ¢/o Agricultural Societies Branch I CAN -- SATURDAY, THE I8th OF SEPTEMBER, 1946 Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Parliament Buildings TORONTO, Ontario M7A 1A9 (416) 965-1091