TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MON. - FRI. MAILING ADDRESS -~ Box 579, PHONE 825-3747 DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON Monday of each week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867. HOSPITAL BOARD MEETING: A regular meeting of the McCausland Hospit- al Board was held on August 20, 1974 in the Terrace Bay Municipal Office. The hospital has received a letter from the Ministry of Health giving approval in principle for a new health facility for the area. A letter will be sent to Dr. Baldwin, Area Planning Co-Ordin- ator informing him of the recently announced mill expansion and requesting an early meeting with him to expedite the planning of a new hos-] pital. The chairman of the Development Committee, Jan McEwen announced the formation of a study group which will provide the Board with detail- ed recommendations regarding the new health facility. This group will visit other small hospitals and solicit advice and suggestions from these hospitals as well as the general public in the local area. Don Stewart reviewed the quotations receiv- ed for a complete sprinkler system and re-sta- ted the recommendation of the sub-committee. A resolution was passed to install a sprinkler system and accept the quotation from Clow Darling Plumbing and Heating Co. Ltd. - Thund- er Bay ($16,300 plus a minus 5%). The hospital will receive a provincial grant for two-thirds of the cost but must raise the balance from its own capital funds. V. Mazzone reported that the Ministry of Health has forwarded additional cash flow to cover the cost of salary increases as proposed in the I974 Budget Revision. A resolution was passed to pay these increases in the next pay- roll. The Annual Conference for Small Hospitals will be held on September I7 & I8, I974 in 'Sault Ste. Marie. The program theme is "Beds, Boards and the Whole Business of Small Hospita- ls." Pat Buck, Joe Figliomeni and Vic Mazzone will attend from our hospital. Accounts for July in the amount of $29,537 .42 were passed for payment. The Administrator reported that three nur- ses will attend an Operating Room Nurses Con- ference at St. Joseph's Hospital, Thunder Bay on September 6th. The trial period being suc -cessful, the hospital ambulance entrance will now be the west side door instead of the pres -ent entrance. The west side entrance has been found to be more suitable by the nursing staff and ambulance attendants. Joan Nugent announced that the furnishing of the hospital "lobby has been completed. The Administrator has written a letter of thanks to the Tuck Shop Committee. A press release and photo will be placed in the local paper. Although no meetings were scheduled for the summer, the Auxiliary has continued to receive numerous donations. Under new business, a resolution was pass- ed to appoint a three member Negotiating Committee that would meet with employee grou- ps to discuss salary and related issues. The Administrator read a survey of mileage allowance rates in the area which showed the hospital to be the lowest. A resolution was passed to increase the rate to .I5¢ per mile effective immediately. continued page 4 ec voce STRAND THEATRE TERRACE BAY -- ONTARIO -- TELEPHONE 825--3771 SHOW TIMES - MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:00 P.M. ra FRIDAYS&SATURDAY 7 & 9 P.M. SUNDAY 8:30 Pie NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY AWARD Sat. 7 W - re ALT DISNEY he. 5 1:6 WILD NEW Do N OTE 0 in ONE SHOW NIGHTLY 7:00 p.m, JiM BROWN goes over the wall to flash with a million § stash... rue. 10 wed. 1 wy ANINNIVLYILNI Ino