SEPTEMBER 5, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11 THUNDER MUG ROSSPORT MARINA BLDG. Nash World Ducks Unlimited (Canada) A TIME TO GROW -- One of several phenomena $ WOOLLENS o JEWELLERY which helps to explain the northward migration of birds is the greater daylength in the northern hemisphere during the summer. While the length ? CRYSTAL of the season is shorter in the north than near the equator, the longer days provide additional time for feeding, thereby promoting rapid develop- # CANADIAN POTTERY ment of the young. (& PHONE 824-2040 NOTICE I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR PATRONAGE AND FRIENDSHIP I HAVE NJOYED FOR SO MANY YEARS DURING THE OPERATION OF ARBER SHOP. LER MUCH SUCCESS IN HIS NEW VENTURE FRIENDS AND PAST CLIENTELE WILL SHOW I WISH THE NEW OWNER JOE AND SINCERELY HOPE ALL THE SAME PATRONAGE JO JOE. SINCERELY, WERNER SCHEUCHENPFLUG