PAGE I6 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY 4, 1974 SCHREIBER COUNCIL QUOTES Ray Kragero presented a plan to establish a mobile home park, at the Schreiber municipal council's regular June meeting, and after some study, his request was granted, the site to be on Walker Lake Road, within the town limits. A letter from the chairman of a I975 Ontario Caravan, with 50 trailers, promoting Trailer Travel, wished to meet with council representa- tive on July 8th. Lake Superior High School requested the town to host 24 teenagers and their escorts from Duncan B.C. and pay 20% of the cost - council decided to sponsor a dinner, in co-operation with Terrace Bay, and pay the 20% of total cost They supported the resolution of the Town- ship of Pittsburg in connection with the curr- ent legislation covering the penalty on non- payment of taxes, but, where the T. of P. re- quested the Provincial government to increase the penalty to 2% per month, Schreiber supports a Ik% per month. Accounts passed for payment included: General $I,425.I3, Water $843.55, M.M. Dillon, $I,607.32, covering design of new dam at Cooks Lake, Graham and Bacon, $500,00 re design for " Medical Centre. Mrs. Dorothy Rummery reported on the activ- ities of the Board for McCausland Hospital, 'Terrace Bay to which she is Schreiber's council representative: a sprinkling system is being given further consideration; no word has been received from Dr. Baldwin regarding a new buil- ding; the auxiliary cleared $900.00 at its Spring Ball and will use money in the purchase of an E.C.G. machine. Council decided to purchase a second-hand ice conditioner for the arena from the Township of Michipicoten. 5 Final approval for the purchase of the form- er post office was received from Crown Assets Disposal. And it was agreed to secure rates from agents for insurance on the building. The I974 requisition of the Lake Superior Board of Education was accepted: Secondary $39,145. Elementary $22,737 I968 Deficit $ 3,356 y 865,238 Also accepted was the Parks and Recreation estimates for 1974 - $7,629.00 net. After lengthy consideration the following increases in wages and salary were made, to take the place of cost of living bonuses: for the utility men the rate increased to $4.00 an hour for the Road Supt. increased to $4.75 an hour A.J. Gauthier's salary, as clerk-treasurer increased to $9,000.00 per annum. Office 824-2325. - canoeing. At a special meeting it was decided to purchase property known as Mining Location R-27I, situated north of Langworthy St. from M.E. Walker. SCHREIBER RECREATION NEWS LAST CALL FOR WOMEN'S FITNESS '74: There is still room for more women in this programme if you are interested. Women's Fitness '74 will begin July 9th from 7 - 9 p.m., 5 days a week. The two mor- ning classes will begin at IO a.m. Each evening there will be a different type of sport and all participants must wear runn- ing shoes. LACROSSE: Lacrosse lessons have started in the Public School. For further information, call the Recreation Office. : The Lacrosse clinic seems to be a certainty now. We'll have more information by the time this paper comes out. Call the Recreation EVENING CANOEING: The Schreiber Recreation canoes will be av-~ ailable in the evenings from 7 until IO p.m. Our canoe instructors will be supervising and they are also willing to give lessons. The canoes will be given out on a rental basis. Paddles and lifejackets are also available. We've had to set a few rules to control the If you rent a canoe, you must wear a lifejacket at all times. No one is allowed to canoe alone and there can be no more than three in a canoe at one time. If you want to learn to paddle, or just come and canoe, it starts, Thursday, July 4th. KEITH PENNER RECEPTION The Terrace Bay Liberal Association hosted a reception for Mary and Keith Penner last.Fri- day afternoon. Mr. Penner is currently campai- gning throughout his vast constituency here in Northwestern Ontario in preparation for the forthcoming federal election. The gathering gave the citizens of Terrace Bay an opportunity to meet their present Member of Parliament and his wife, or to renew their acquaintance with them. The reception was very informal with Mr. and Mrs. Penner chatting with the community's residents. 'A question-and-an- swer session was held at which time Mr. Penner outlined the Liberal Party's policies to cope continued page 17 ......-.